1394 to ATAPI adapters

Posted by: muzza

1394 to ATAPI adapters - 21/05/2002 15:25

does anyone know where I can find any info on plug in adapters for firewire to atapi? I've found external boxes and chassis for firewire drives but not these little jems.

I'd heard that they're good for CD burners.
Posted by: V99

Re: 1394 to ATAPI adapters - 21/05/2002 16:13

You mean something like this?
Posted by: muzza

Re: 1394 to ATAPI adapters - 21/05/2002 23:20

Not quite. Apparently there is a board with an IDE connector on one side and a firewire connecotr on the other and a bit of circuitry in the middle. That's all I want.
Posted by: David

Re: 1394 to ATAPI adapters - 22/05/2002 03:26

I was after something like that - I wanted to convert the SCSI cases I had into Firewire cases on the cheap. Unfortunately it seems that you can't get the bridge boards used in these cases separately.

I went with the ADS cases in the end. Whch was worth it, as they're very well built.
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: 1394 to ATAPI adapters - 22/05/2002 06:26

David, in you travels did you come accross a multiple drive version? something that would hold say one HDD and one CD or any number of IDE devices?
I saw that ADS had an IDE raid version with two drives in raid 1 or 0 (just noticed it's software based raid). So this does give me the impression that it would be possible to - of course one could just daisy-chain several of the standard ones to achive what I am asking about.
Posted by: David

Re: 1394 to ATAPI adapters - 22/05/2002 06:43

I've not seen any dual-drive case kits - I tried hooking two drives into one of the single-drive units, but the controller didn't seem to support slave devices.
Posted by: muzza

Re: 1394 to ATAPI adapters - 22/05/2002 14:42

found one here and here