SNMP Iplanet.... Help!

Posted by: lopan

SNMP Iplanet.... Help! - 24/05/2002 09:45

Does anyone know how to configure SNMP on Netscapes Iplanet to work with the native NT SNMP agent? All the install documention for this appears to be written for UNIX which does me absolutely no good. I know this is a long shot but until a week ago I'd never ever used SNMP (I knew what the acronym meant and that was about it) so needless to say I'm a bit lost.

I know this much so far.... NT supports SMUX (pretty sure.. I think) so I should only have to configure one file dealing with Iplanet's SNMP subagent, but I haven't the foggiest idea which file OR what to put in it. Also, netscape has a directory with 2 MIB files in it... do these need to be compiled?

I know I haven't given much information here, but honestly this has been tasked to me and this is about all I know.... any comments or information regarding simply how SNMP works would be GREATLY appreciated.
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: SNMP Iplanet.... Help! - 24/05/2002 10:00

Did you find something like this in your docs:

"Windows NT implements SNMP as a service. Any iPlanet servers that use SNMP communicate directly with this service. iPlanet Administration Server does not perform any SNMP-related tasks on Windows NT. All SNMP-related tasks are handled by the operating system."

What I guess I take from that is that the iPlanet Admin server isn't used for SNMP config or mediation on NT. Not sure if that helps at all, but...

Posted by: lopan

Re: SNMP Iplanet.... Help! - 24/05/2002 10:22

Actually that does help a bit.... I knew that in a UNIX environment, you had a Master agent and the subagent (subagent passing info to the master). As I understand it the Iplanet subagent passes snmp data to the master (master being the NT SNMP service). So after reading your post.... does that mean there's no configuration needed? I'm sure I still need to have the snmp subagent enabled through the Iplanet administration page (theres a setting for this under the status menu)

However... none of the documentation I found said anything remotely like what you have written and is very UNIX specific. My question for you would be what version Iplanet is that documentation for? (I'm using 4.1 I think)

I should probably spend some time learning how to query SNMP I know how to get all my system info but haven't a clue as to how to query for things like traffic on certain ports.... I wonder if they make an SMPT for dummies book?
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: SNMP Iplanet.... Help! - 24/05/2002 10:35

Actually that does help a bit............. does that mean there's no configuration needed?

That's kind of what I was thinking....

I'm sure I still need to have the snmp subagent enabled through the Iplanet administration page (theres a setting for this under the status menu)

Sounds good...

My question for you would be what version Iplanet is that documentation for? (I'm using 4.1 I think)

That was from a 5.x Console guide. If you don't have the right 4.x guide, you should be able to find it on

I should probably spend some time learning how to query SNMP I know how to get all my system info but haven't a clue as to how to query for things like traffic on certain ports....

"Use the MIB, Luke!"

I wonder if they make an SMPT for dummies book?

Well, reference works like The Simple Book are awful dry. No "For Dummies"-type book that I know of, but I think if you Google for "SNMP tutorial/primer", you'll find a lot of stuff.
Posted by: lopan

Re: SNMP Iplanet.... Help! - 24/05/2002 11:03

Thanks for all the helpful info Jim, as far as the documentation, everything at for 4.1 was vague.... very vague... (thats where I originally got my documentation) which in and amongst itself has been extremely frustrating (probably should've looked at the other versions as well).