
Posted by: Dignan

Quicklaunch - 05/06/2002 10:38

I have a question about the Quicklaunch toolbar in Windows.

At home I have Win2K. On that I have IE, minimize all, Outlook Express, and My Documents. At work with XP, I have the same except for Outlook.

The main reason I keep these particular number of shortcuts in the QL toolbar is because I found that the slider to decrease its size stops at a certain amount of icons. On my Win2K machine, I'm pretty sure it's at 4, and on WinXP it appears to be 3.

My question is: is there a way to increase this amount? I have one other program that I use frequently enough to put it in that toolbar. the rest of the programs i use in general are on the start menu. Is it possible to do what I want here?
Posted by: drakino

Re: Quicklaunch - 05/06/2002 12:10

Yes, you can make quick launch as big as you want. On XP, you need to uncheck "Lock the taskbar" when you right click on it. Once you do that, you can move either the QL bar, or things near it to make more space.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Quicklaunch - 05/06/2002 13:02

Yeah, I know you can resize it. I want to know how to make it not collapse beyond a certain point. try unlocking the taskbar and then resizing the QL toolbar. See how it doesn't collapse beyond 3 icons? I want to be able to control how many icons it can show in its "most collapsed" state.
Posted by: drakino

Re: Quicklaunch - 05/06/2002 13:13

Ahh, ok, I understand now. Creating a new toolbar results in the same issue of 3 icons before it will collapse it. And I can't find a Tweak UI setting for this, it's either burried in the registry, or hard coded.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Quicklaunch - 05/06/2002 13:47

Actually, I've found that sometimes another icon will prevent the bar from collapsing. That is, I'll have, let's say, those three icons plus a few others. The bar will stop collapsing at those three icons. Then I'll put another in and it will prevent the bar from collapsing past it. While I've not figured out the exact method why this works, it leads me to believe that there's something specific to certain icons/shortcuts that prevents the bar from collapsing past them.