Error selecting "title" music search - Error -121

Posted by: Nezza

Error selecting "title" music search - Error -121 - 19/02/2002 12:13

When I do a select "title" search, I get:

"Cannot connect to server

Eror -121 (remote IO error)"

On the Rio.

Selecting by other means is fine? No other connection issues either?

What gives?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Error selecting "title" music search - Error -121 - 19/02/2002 12:24

Is it possible that you're running into the database size limitation bug?

It can only fit just so many tracks into the database at once. This is a known bug that's at the very top of their to-do-list. When the time comes for a software update (any word, guys?), it will be the first thing fixed.