trio - listening receivers lose sync

Posted by: mdknapp

trio - listening receivers lose sync - 21/11/2003 11:50

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone involved in trio and jreceiver. This stuff is just awesome! I have 4 Rios now and I don't use my Audiotron at all any more.

So here is my problem: Occasionally, listening receivers stop playing. Has anyone seen this happen? I'm running the latest trio and jreceiver on a win XP machine with ARM. Also, I've had problems with the main player stopping.. but that seems to be less frequent (not really a big deal). Any suggestions?

Also, I can't seem to control the backlight timeout. no matter what I set it to (Have tried values from 0-600), it seems to always behave the same way. Does anyone know what the life expectancy of the backlight is? Is there a reason to not just leave it on all the time?


Posted by: samgreco

Re: trio - listening receivers lose sync - 22/11/2003 13:00

I haven't seen this. I only seriously used the sync feature once, at our Halloween party. I had 4 Rios synched for 7 hours without incident.
Posted by: pauln

Re: trio - listening receivers lose sync - 23/11/2003 10:23


What sort of files are you playing when this happens (mp3/ogg/flac, encoding rate, fixed/variable bit rate)? The method of keeping things sync'd differs slightly for each encoding type.

Posted by: mdknapp

Re: trio - listening receivers lose sync - 24/11/2003 13:00


It was happening with internet radio (128kbps mp3) and mp3s in various bitrates. It looks like the problem was with an SMC 5 port switch I was using.. The switch was connected to another switch which was connected to the DSL modem and the server that the content was on. When I removed the SMC and hooked everything up to the one switch, everything started working perfectly.. Thanks for your help!