Serial port question....

Posted by: Antyx

Serial port question.... - 08/08/2002 03:55

I know it's a little out of topic, but this seemed like the best place to ask.. You guys are the smartest people I know when it comes to manipulating PC's so I turn to you cause no one else can seem to help me..

I have an Empeg system in my car and am nearly finished building a car PC which will interface with the empeg via tcpip for remote control use with LoJack, and also audio for visualizations.. The PC will do GPS among other things.. My problem is, I can't seem to find a way to shutdown windows via ignition.. So far I can get the ignition down to a low current 5v, but what to do from there is puzzling me.. Does anyone have any info on how to accompish this? Again I apologize for it not being specifically related to the empeg.

Posted by: genixia

Re: Serial port question.... - 08/08/2002 05:36

Relatively easy. Use constant power for powering the PC's PSU, and use UPS software monitoring the ignition line to shut down windows. You'll need to build a small circuit to clean up the ignition line and protect the PC, and an appropiate serial cable between it and the PC. I'd recommend using apcupsd as the shutdown software - it will install and run happily on windows. Use 'simple' signalling. This monitors 2 lines on the serial port - one is 'on line power' and the other is 'battery ok'. If you derive both from the ignition line, as soon as you turn your car off, apcupsd will think that the PC is running on UPS batteries, and that those batteries are low, thus triggering shutdown.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Serial port question.... - 08/08/2002 07:18

A great solution for your problem is the ATX Shutdown Controller from Jeff Mucha. He's a upstanding member of the mp3car community where you can get tons of info on running a standard computer in your car.
Posted by: Antyx

Re: Serial port question.... - 08/08/2002 08:25

Worked like charm! You da-man!!!

Thanks for the info...
