Hardisk Failing

Posted by: haffi

Hardisk Failing - 08/09/2002 05:44

well my 20 Gb disk is now failing

Good thing I have a backup but still loosing a disc

I checked how much it costs to send this unit for Warrenty and its costs me more then just buy a new 20 gb disc, Thats of cource cause I live in Iceland,
Oh well I guess I can go to the store and buy new 40 Gb disc.

What is the best way for me to install a new disc ?
Posted by: oliver

Re: Hardisk Failing - 08/09/2002 05:49

sorry to hear about your drive problems, i just went through the same thing. check out the drive upgrade guide on riocar.org


Posted by: msaeger

Re: Hardisk Failing - 08/09/2002 06:06

Do you mean the player warrenty ? If the player is under warrenty you don't have to pay shipping as far as I know anyway.
Posted by: haffi

Re: Hardisk Failing - 08/09/2002 09:25

Well I think since it International you have to pay to get the drive to them, and sometime back also , but it depends on companys. Its just to much fush. I got new IBM 40 GB disk , Witch I trust much more then this Crappy Fujitsu Disc Wich I am going to tray to Claim thorugh a Company in Iceland that imports them hopefully I will get a new one that I can then just add to the player
I would like to say that the Guide is Very Good and Thanks to all that helped with that.

All in all Very happie with my player.
p.s. ?
any Special Recommends on Hardisks ? or is IBM good ?
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Hardisk Failing - 08/09/2002 18:24

yeah but if the player is under warranty you can just send the player in to empeg and then they pay the shipping from what I have heard.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Hardisk Failing - 08/09/2002 18:27

You are talking about a MK2 right ? If you are it may just be the ide cable is bad. Have you tried the drive outside the player ?
Posted by: David

Re: Hardisk Failing - 09/09/2002 00:58

If the player is under warranty, we would pay for shipping.
Posted by: Dist

Re: Hardisk Failing - 11/09/2002 11:42

Empeg paid for FedEx International Priority service for my Under Warrenty Tuner both directions from Minneapolis, MN to GB

Empeg / David rocks, The new tuner has worked perfectly since installation last week.
Posted by: acurasquirrel_

Re: Hardisk Failing - 11/09/2002 14:31

Ill second that I sent my player out Moday at 2pm and I got an email today telling me my HD died, stupid fujitsu, and he is ordering new drives and should have them by the end of the week.