Adding more music cache

Posted by: robricc

Adding more music cache - 05/11/2002 23:07

Another TiVo hack that may work for the empeg. TiVo Cachecard would probably be easy to interface hardware-wise, but what kind of software would be needed to take advantage of this thing? You could keep your hard drives spun down for hours!

PS - the cachecard is the piece with the DIMM on it. The thing to the right is a WiFi card.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Adding more music cache - 05/11/2002 23:23

Hmmm... A device like that would be great for HDD caching in a regular computer... Imagine, 256M HDD cache.... Mmmmmmm
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: Adding more music cache - 05/11/2002 23:40

Well, from my memories of discussions about the possible cache card, the idea was to keep the database cached for faster response times in the UI. The empeg doesn't really have this problem, and uses a very complex cacheing algorithm already which would be impossible to communicate to the IDE cache board. The real problem is the drive has no knowlege of what sectors you're going to want next...

All in all, if it's an open system, just add more memory and let your OS decide what to cache. If it's a closes system like a tivo, this is a Really Cool Hack.


PS: I'm very happy to see that people are getting into the series 2 boxes. Makes my decision a bit harder on what tivo I need to end up with.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: Adding more music cache - 06/11/2002 01:25


Is that your TiVo? If so, did you need to attach an external antennae to the WiFi card to get a good signal?

- Jon
Posted by: robricc

Re: Adding more music cache - 06/11/2002 06:52

No, that's not my tivo, but people report that the wireless card will work with the case closed. Of course, you lose a good amount of signal.
Posted by: ricin

Re: Adding more music cache - 07/11/2002 16:52

It is recommended that you purchase a WiFi card with an external antenna (or support for one). They even list a few to purchase on the site. Although, a lot of people just run without the cover, or cut a whole above the card.
Posted by: benjammin

Re: Adding more music cache - 07/11/2002 20:12

While I realize the sexiness of wireless tivo, I went with the wired card for that very reason.