trouble with emptool

Posted by: GlarySandstorm

trouble with emptool - 05/01/2003 16:59

I'm having trouble with emptool. Bascially, I've managed to get two entries into the toplevel playlist which have the same name - except the first one has a lowercase first letter, the second an uppercase.

350 /royksopp
360 /royksopp/remind_me__so_easy

3a0 /Royksopp
3b0 /Royksopp/melody_am

Now when I try to use commands like ls and lookup, it behaves odd, getting the two entries mixed up:

In one case ls returns results for two items:
/> ls royksopp

In another case, ls fails to find an entry that is actually there:
/> ls Royksopp/melody_am
4404 No matches for Royksopp/melody_am

So now what do I do?

/> ls 3b0
4404 No matches for 3b0

/> ls 3a0/3b0
4302 Tune or playlist not found: "3a0"

Am I missing something? Using the plalist names doesn't work and neither do the FID's. What are you supposed to do here. Unless there is another way, to work with the playlist without using the cd command often.

I'm playing around with gemtool. It doesn't seem to be in active development; but I'd just like to fiddle with it. It would be easier if I could just stay at the / of the playlist and do everything from there without having to use 'cd' all of the time.

Can anyone shed any light on the situation?

complete session:

(I've edited out all the "exapanded: added" lines for brevity and clarity)

/> ls

/> ls royksopp

/> ls Royksopp

/> ls royksopp/remind_me__so_easy
/royksopp/remind_me__so_easy/Remind Me
/royksopp/remind_me__so_easy/So Easy

/> ls Royksopp/melody_am
4404 No matches for Royksopp/melody_am
2402 Listing total: 0


I'm using v2.00beta11 for emptool and the player's software.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: trouble with emptool - 06/01/2003 10:39

It's been a while since I used emptool, but I seem to recall that you had to use the "#" sign to denote an FID reference (like #3b0). I could be insane on that one, though ... The other thing to note is that my impression is that emptool is not kept up to date with Emplode, so you will have mixed success with things like tunes that are not in any playlists, etc (it will put in them in Unattached Items like the old days)
