Posted by: NT2OOO

SUBWOOFER CROSSOVER - 24/10/2003 06:06

is it possible to have an menu to select frequency cut to use rear output with a sub without an external crossover?
SUBOUT: 50/80/120 or 50 to 150 Hz cut; like this:

|FRONT 2/3WAY| ------(front full range)--<-- |empeg| -->--(Rear XX Hz)---- |SUBWOOFER|
thanks for any reply
Posted by: tfabris

Re: SUBWOOFER CROSSOVER - 24/10/2003 10:23

No. Do not attempt to use the equalizer as a crossover. It doesn't work that way because you cannot adjust the Q and the deflection correctly to do the same thing that a crossover does.

Instead, use an amplifier that has a proper crossover built-in. Or, if you don't have a crossover on the amp, use F-mods.
Posted by: NT2OOO

Re: SUBWOOFER CROSSOVER - 24/10/2003 12:32

no with equallizer but with a new menu only for SW out selectable
Posted by: NT2OOO

Re: SUBWOOFER CROSSOVER - 24/10/2003 12:34

this is a work for mark lord ) for a new feature for his hijack
Posted by: tfabris

Re: SUBWOOFER CROSSOVER - 24/10/2003 12:36

No, there is no option for that on the empeg. It has four full-bandwidth channels with no crossovers.

I seem to recall that Stu of Eutronix was work on an add-on module for a separate subwoofer out, I don't know if it's something you can buy right now though.

If you are looking for an additional subwoofer output in addition to your existing four channels, the click here.