Amulet Technolgies board - interesting remote poss

Posted by: Ezekiel

Amulet Technolgies board - interesting remote poss - 26/10/2003 06:31

While I'm certainly not any kind of programmer or hardware designer, the developer board from Amulet Technologies seems like it'd be the perfect remote mounting solution for someone determined to make it work and armed with the empeg FAQ and HTML skills & determination.

The board contains a controller chip which runs what they call micro-html, a compiled version of HTML that's been designed on main-stream tools on a PC, run through their compiler and loaded onto the module's controller. The controller chip was designed so that a GUI could be added to a traditional embedded micro with limited interface (think buttons, LED's etc), and intended for low volume, high $ electronics like medical devices. It's got interface lines that I believe would work on our serial output from the empeg, has a touchscreen input and LCD controls.

The 3.2" and 5.7" starter kits go for $299 and $399 respectively, so they're not for everyone, but this sure seems like a great remote control method that could be used by people who for whatever reason can't dash mount their empeg.

I'm in no way affiliated with Amulet, btw!


Edit: More info on the developing environment, and 3.2" developer board.
Posted by: tman

Re: Amulet Technolgies board - interesting remote poss - 26/10/2003 07:53

Yeah. Amulet advertise a lot in Circuit Cellar. Apparently they're quite easy to use.

If you're okay with not having visuals then this is perfect. Not quite the best thing to have when driving the car though! No tactile feedback so make sure your passengers use it for you