fast switching between v3alpha[357]

Posted by: pim

fast switching between v3alpha[357] - 06/05/2004 19:43

In order to do debugging on mp3tofid development, I need to quickly switch between v3alpha versions 3, 5 and 7. Doing a full upgrade (or downgrade) is slow and wipes out custom changes.

Is it safe to use mlord's upgrader tool to just extract the /empeg tree of each v3alpha image file and just replace these trees on the empeg, rather than doing a full upgrade/downgrade?

I didn't notice any other differences outside this tree in the hda5 filesystems of these versions, but there may be something other critical step in the upgrade.

Posted by: mlord

Re: fast switching between v3alpha[357] - 06/05/2004 19:51

That'll work.

For that matter, you probably only need just the player binary itself. Everything else is pretty much constant from release to release.

Posted by: Roger

Re: fast switching between v3alpha[357] - 07/05/2004 00:52

For v3 (at least, those particular releases), Mark's right. You can just keep a copy of the player binary. Rather than use the upgrader, just stash a copy in /drive0 or something.

Posted by: pim

Re: fast switching between v3alpha[357] - 07/05/2004 00:56

I did notice v3alpha5 has some extra fonts not in 3 and 7.

Posted by: Roger

Re: fast switching between v3alpha[357] - 07/05/2004 01:18

Ah, well, in that case, just tar up /empeg/bin and /empeg/lib and stash it somewhere.
Posted by: peter

Re: fast switching between v3alpha[357] - 07/05/2004 02:34

I did notice v3alpha5 has some extra fonts not in 3 and 7.
That was a build system bug, not a deliberate change (which is why it was reverted in alpha 7). The player can't use those fonts, and won't notice if they aren't there.
