
Posted by: CFinch106

USB/Ethernet - 01/07/2005 03:37

I'm on Windows XP Pro and everytime I connect to the riocar it says "Unable to open usb connection." I have ver. 2 of the player firmware and emplode software installed, with XP drivers. I've tried to do it through Ethernet but it doesn't ever find the riocar, I don't know how to get songs to it other than the serial cable and that's rediculous. I don't know what settings to use for ethernet either.

It's also saying "download failed while initializing Error 0xc0041837"
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: USB/Ethernet - 01/07/2005 05:19

Have you tried using DHCP for your network settings? what ip settings do you use for your pc? ipconfig /all if its winxp should show you
Posted by: CFinch106

Re: USB/Ethernet - 01/07/2005 06:17

yeah I have a Linksys router, so it's, and everything is DCHP.
Posted by: Roger

Re: USB/Ethernet - 01/07/2005 07:48

yeah I have a Linksys router, so it's, and everything is DCHP.

Does the Rio Car get an IP address? You can check this from the About option on the player's menu.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: USB/Ethernet - 01/07/2005 10:43

For USB, upgrade to version 2.0 final and carefully read the release notes. It contains the information and the driver to swap your existing usb driver with one compatible with Windows XP.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: USB/Ethernet - 01/07/2005 15:13

Cfinch106, please read these two FAQ entries:

Why doesn't Emplode work via USB on Windows XP?

Why can't I get ethernet to work?

Both of those should solve your problems if you follow the instructions carefully and read all the sub-links.
Posted by: CFinch106

Re: USB/Ethernet - 03/07/2005 00:54

I've done the USB update and it still crashes when it loads up, I'm trying to switch to 10BaseT.
Posted by: CFinch106

Re: USB/Ethernet - 03/07/2005 01:29

Got it going through ethernet, I have to push the cable towards the floor for the link light to show up, guess somethings bent
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: USB/Ethernet - 03/07/2005 02:33

Have you tried other cables? or maybe the same cable just switched sides of it to see if its the empeg or the cable that has the problem with link? Glad you were able to get it wsorking with ethernet.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: USB/Ethernet - 03/07/2005 05:03

I have to push the cable towards the floor for the link light to show up

You could have some broken circuit traces on the motherboard. But it could be something as simple as bent pins on the ethernet jack.

Earlier, I linked a FAQ entry which gave instructions on how to fix the pins if that's the case.

It also could be a bad cable. Again, described in that FAQ entry. Got another cable to try?
Posted by: CFinch106

Re: USB/Ethernet - 03/07/2005 07:08

I tried a few cables the first time and got no link, but I wasn't pressing, so I guess it's something more serious.
Posted by: CFinch106

Re: USB/Ethernet - 06/07/2005 21:43

it had a pin bent beyond repair, is there a way to put a new ethernet jack in the unit?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: USB/Ethernet - 06/07/2005 23:20

it had a pin bent beyond repair, is there a way to put a new ethernet jack in the unit?

Posted by: schofiel

Re: USB/Ethernet - 07/07/2005 13:00

Where, inside the ethernet socket?

Can you post a picture?

Original Ethernet sockets are available from me.
Posted by: CFinch106

Re: USB/Ethernet - 24/07/2005 07:57

I opened the case of the unit itself and tried to fix a pin with a small flathead scredriver and ended up knocked other pins out of their slots, then trying to put those back I bent them.