Flash destroyed

Posted by: mukay

Flash destroyed - 16/07/2005 12:22


Some days ago I got an error message: "No harddrive found, please contact somebody" or something like that. So I thought my harddrive was broken. I got my harddrive from my laptop and put it into the player (riocar mk2) and bought a bigger one for my laptop. Of course this was not the problem. Than I got a harddrive builder image from the empeg homepage. It seemed like this image formated my two harddisks. After letting him build (5 hours or so) I thought he should be ready. Display was empty after the first 10 min. So I searched around the internet and found the hijack image and the tony's logoeditor tool. After flashing it with that nothing happend. (460kb image). Than I got the original images developer and consumer. I tried to flash the player with the developer image with tony's upload tool. I tried "upload car2-devel... a000 1" and after erasing 25% of flash he cried "Error: erasepage(100000) got code 1a2". The same with consumer image at 34% of erasing. So I think the flash is dead. My question: how can I fix this?
Posted by: mlord

Re: Flash destroyed - 16/07/2005 12:44

The flash memory is not dead.

Most likely the download tools are flakey on your particular PC -- can you perhaps try flashing the kernel from a different PC, or from one running Linux?

Posted by: mukay

Re: Flash destroyed - 16/07/2005 12:57

perhaps god helped me, so no answer in this thread is needed. flashing it with consumer image and upgrade wizard from empeg worked now.
@ml .. I would like to flash it with my laptop (there is linux installed) but this laptop has no dev/tty0 on board, thank you.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Flash destroyed - 16/07/2005 15:51

You can also reflash and do upgrades over ethernet from any Linux box using my upgrader program -- useful if you do it often, since ethernet is WAY faster than the serial port.
