Checking disk integrity...

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Checking disk integrity... - 19/07/2005 16:36

Is there any reason why my player (3a10) would keep doing this every sync? I have it disabled in Hijack and keep trying to get the reservecache setting into my config.ini file, but it does the check and emplode usually crashes...

I'm guessing I have to manually fix the disks, it just seems a bit odd the config.ini isn't taking.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 19/07/2005 17:55

Hijack only prevents *unnecessary* filesystem checks. If the system is marked as "in error" (corrupted), it will be checked regardless.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 19/07/2005 20:21

Is there any reason why my player (3a10) would keep doing this every sync?

Most likely, as you've said, you need to manually FSCK the disks.

trying to get the reservecache setting into my config.ini file, but it does the check and emplode usually crashes...

This usually ends up happening (config.ini changes don't take) because you've got a piece of third-party software auto-starting at bootup which is locking the /drive0 filesystem.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 19/07/2005 20:43

Thanks for the feedback guys. My poor player lol.

I have no 3rd party stuff running at this time, but I'm sure I'll get it sorted out.

I noticed in the FAQ that ReserveCache=xx goes in [Startup], but I seem to remember it going somewhere else like HiJack.

I honestly think that the low RAM (ironic considering I have 64mb now) is causing this weird behavior.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 19/07/2005 21:02

Well, it looks like emplode is consistently timing out at "Writing Player Configuration" even after having fixed the fsck issue. I simply can't get into the player to edit the config.ini file and have emplode save it. All of this to change ReserveCache=xx to 50.

I'm guessing that Alpha10 may not be for me but I'm baffled why it's happening. I thought the memory board would have taken care of this stuff... but now I can't even connect to the player via ftp or emplode unless the player app is shut down...

The bummer is that since it's failing at "Writing Player Config.." the filesystem isn't getting remounted correctly and I have to spend 2+ hours fsck'ing in order to try again with the same results.

Maybe I'll have more luck with 2.10?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 19/07/2005 21:42

Try deleting the config.ini file completely. After things work and you can synch properly, then add back in the stuff you wanted to the config.ini. Instructions here.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 19/07/2005 22:56

You can update config.ini quite directly and quite quickly, using FTP to get/put the file, and a text editor to make changes.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 20/07/2005 00:45

Tony, you rule!

I had read that FAQ entry quite a while back, but I thought any curruption would be visible. I'm guessing I did a copy-paste from Notepad and goofed it up.

Working like a champ now and FTP is working too! set_max_fid_v7 and fidsifted to boot! - Thanks for developing those tools Mark!
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 20/07/2005 08:01

Notepad??? That might be the problem - CR-LFs...
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 20/07/2005 09:22

Exactly. I didn't copy and paste the entire thing, but I bet I copied more than one line at a time.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 20/07/2005 14:09

I'm guessing I did a copy-paste from Notepad and goofed it up.

If you copy/pasted into emplode, then that's not the problem. Emplode writes the file correctly. As far as I know, the only way notepad could screw it up is if you saved an edited config.ini on your PC using notepad, then FTP'd it to the player without correcting the CRLFs.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 20/07/2005 18:55

Ah... thanks for the clarification.

I don't know how mine got messed up then, but removing it and starting from scratch worked.

Is there a danger in entering the Network settings via config.ini changes rather than via connecting with serial or USB? I just want to set up my DHCP and IP settings.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Checking disk integrity... - 20/07/2005 19:42

I believe the network settings will not "take" if you try to change them while you're on the network connection. I think it updates config.ini based on what is in the "configure player" screens. So when you synch, despite having made config.ini changes, whatever was in that dialog box is what gets written. I don't know for sure if that applies to the network settings, but I seem to recall it applies to other settings.