End of Playlist Message

Posted by: faceless041974

End of Playlist Message - 20/09/2005 15:53

I recently got my car back from getting serviced. Nothing to do with the stereo system. Every time I turn off the car and start back up I get an End of Playlist message. Any ideas on how to fix this? I tend to keep my music on shuffle so this is kind of a pain to have to keep restarting the playlists everytime I get in my car.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: End of Playlist Message - 20/09/2005 16:06

Hm. It's not remembering its settings after a power off. It's possible that they blew a fuse somehow during the work. Check the fuses that go to the stereo, including both the car's fuse panel and any inline fuses behind the sled, perhaps a dash-dismantling is in your future. reference 1, reference 2, reference 3. Not sure if any of those are related, it may have nothing to do with any of that.

Another possibility is disk troubles. Try reference 4, reference 5, reference 6, and reference 7.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: End of Playlist Message - 20/09/2005 17:35

Well its definitely a problem with my car because I dont have the problem if I hook it up out of my car. I just dont see how this problem could have just come up. The repairs to my car had nothing to do with anything electrical. This is all very complicated it looks like to get it working again propaerly.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: End of Playlist Message - 20/09/2005 18:36

I'd say a good place to start is the fuse on the 12 volt line (yellow) to the back of your empeg sled.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: End of Playlist Message - 20/09/2005 19:19

This is all very complicated it looks like to get it working again propaerly.

Not if, as we are suggesting, it's simply a blown fuse. Blown fuses are not complicated to fix. Please check the fuses on your car's fuse panel, and also the inline fuse on the yellow wire going to the empeg.

I dont have the problem if I hook it up out of my car.

This is a good sign, it means the problem is most likely outside of the player, thus, easy to fix.

Another possibility is, have you installed any third-party software on the player that runs only in DC/Car mode?
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 00:53

Well I checked the fuses in my car and all are ok and now I am having the same problem with the player indoors. I know its not the cable because I just had it replaced through Eutronix like 6 months ago. Any other ideas as to what could be causing this? Eutronix also replaced one of the drives.
Posted by: peter

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 08:35

now I am having the same problem with the player indoors

How many tracks are there in the running-order? If you try a small running-order -- a single album, say -- does it remember that over a power cycle?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 09:16

now I am having the same problem with the player indoors.

Okay, until this point I assumed something external to the player. Now that you're saying you get the same behavior in AC and DC mode, we're into a whole different area.

My player started doing this (not saving its playlist state) when its dynamic data partition got corrupted because of disk trouble. But it also started showing hard disk errors on the screen at the same time. Tell me, do you have a recent version of Hijack installed? If not, that might be why you're not seeing the on-screen disk errors. Those would have been the dead giveaway.

Put the latest hijack on the player and tell us if you're getting on-screen disk errors when you try to select a large playlist.

If you are, try doing the full-erase of the dynamic data partition (after writing down your EQ and tuner preset details). That solved the problem for me.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 11:18

now I am having the same problem with the player indoors

How many tracks are there in the running-order? If you try a small running-order -- a single album, say -- does it remember that over a power cycle?


Good call. He could be hitting the max fid limit (which is fixable via Mark's patch).
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 12:55

Where do I get the HiJack and Jemplode programs and how do I install them?
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 12:56

It seems like it will remember smaller playlists. I have over 7000 tracks in my player.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 13:23

I dont have HiJack or anything installed. How can I install them if my computer has no serial port?
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 13:46

You'll need to borrow a friend's computer or get a USB to serial dongle. They're not too expensive. The links to both are at the top of this page.
Posted by: Robotic

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 14:06

...The links to both are at the top of this page.

As is the link to the fantabulous Empeg FAQ!
Sounds like a good idea for you to snuggle up with it one evening- real soon.
Posted by: StigOE

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 21:03

... or get a USB to serial dongle.

Not every USB-to-serial dongle works with the firmware upgrade or Hijack installation. I know that the one I have doesn't...

Posted by: mlord

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 21:23

... or get a USB to serial dongle.

Not every USB-to-serial dongle works with the firmware upgrade or Hijack installation. I know that the one I have doesn't...


They should all work with the updated download.c program on the Hijack site. I fixed some timing issues with the earlier code a while back, when working to get the BT serial dongles to work.

I don't know if anyone has updated the Windoze downloaders yet, though.
Posted by: robricc

Re: End of Playlist Message - 23/09/2005 22:25

... or get a USB to serial dongle.

Not every USB-to-serial dongle works with the firmware upgrade or Hijack installation. I know that the one I have doesn't...


While I can't vouch for this specific adapter, the one I use has a Prolific chipset and works fine. I have purchased from that site before and altough it looks like a scam, it's not.
Posted by: mlord

Re: End of Playlist Message - 24/09/2005 00:24

Yup, some USB-serial adaptors are a lot WORSE than others. And some, like the Prolific chipset ones, are really, REALLY, GOOD. I tested a whole whack of them recently, and only the Prolific one could keep up at > 56kb/s without hardware flow control.

Posted by: Foz

Re: End of Playlist Message - 27/09/2005 16:48

Links to both of those are at the top of the page. Scroll up, you'll see them.

-- Gary F.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: End of Playlist Message - 29/09/2005 21:38

I have the one with the prolific driver and Im trying to install hijack but i keep getting a cannot find manufacturer id message.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: End of Playlist Message - 29/09/2005 22:14

For troubleshooting your malfunctioning serial port, please refer to my post in your other, crossposted, thread about how you are unable to install Hijack. You need to back up a step and troubleshoot the faulty serial port connection before trying to install hijack.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: End of Playlist Message - 03/10/2005 17:53

What is Mark's Patch called and where can I get it?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: End of Playlist Message - 03/10/2005 18:18

Over yonder...
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: End of Playlist Message - 03/10/2005 19:02

I went there but Im unsure what Im looking for. Is it a file download? Im not very skilled when it comes to this kernal stuff.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: End of Playlist Message - 03/10/2005 19:48

This is the file you want. It is not a kernel - it is merely a utility to patch the player application so that it can read larger numbers of FIDs. Perhaps I have mistaken what you are looking for?

If you are still trying to get serial connectivity, this is probably not what you want. If you are trying to install hijack, then you must resolve the serial port issue first. You will need to be at a serial port console (or telneted somehow) into the empeg to run the program.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: End of Playlist Message - 03/10/2005 23:15


Your problem, based on your other thread about the "hda: read_intr" error, indicates you've got a completely different issue that's entirely unrelated to the max number of fids. Please see my post in your other thread on that topic.