Root playlist items disappear, search says they're there

Posted by: Snowshoe

Root playlist items disappear, search says they're there - 03/12/2005 06:24

In the main view of Emplode I have the names of Artisits then the sub s under them are the Albums then songs under those, simple layout.
Now here's the thing I've been noticing for awhile but never got around to asking what it was or how to fix. I've been searching the boards for a few hours on the subject but perhaps someone here remembers the same problem.
What happens is a particular Artist will be missing, in the root view but are still there because 'Search' for that missing Artist will reveal it. If I copy it then paste it back into the main view again it stays but later I'll notice another Artist(s) will be gone again. I haven't noticed if it's the same Artist all the time or not, it seems random.
Is there a maximum amount of playlists, I don't have what I would that many playlists, OK there's 115 of them. Is that too many? Should I arrange them diiferently, what am I doing wrong here?
Win XP
Emplode/Mk2 both running 2.0 final w/Hijack & Emphatic
I had v3.0alpha on player for a short while, would this be something that was a bug in it and is still on player?
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Root playlist items disappear, search says they're there - 03/12/2005 13:39

I can't help solve the problem (it doesn't make any sense to me) but I can tell you that 115 playlists is nowhere near too many. I can't remember anyone having this problem before (spontaneously disappearing playlists) but the symptoms you describe make sense beyond the fact that the playlists are disappearing in the first place.

Have you used jEmplode? Does it take a long time for the empeg to boot up?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Root playlist items disappear, search says they're there - 03/12/2005 14:25

I would strongly recommend and fsck and a manual database rebuild at this point. It sounds like file or database corruption to me, especially if all of the files are still on the player.
Posted by: Snowshoe

Re: Root playlist items disappear, search says they're there - 07/12/2005 23:05

Sorry been trying to get my password to work only to find out I had a different one.
Anyway thanks for the reply, I have used jEmplode in the past but not much lately since it seemed it wasn't updated anymore, perhaps it is now, and it was doing some weird things so I went back to Emplode.
As far as long bootup It doesn't seem any longer now than when it was new, it's fast. It does seem to take awhile to do a 'checking media' event after an upload of a 'few' songs. A 'rebuilding database' can be lengthy but it does complete within 6-8 minutes?
Posted by: Snowshoe

Re: Root playlist items disappear, search says they're there - 07/12/2005 23:10

Yes the files are there for a 'search' for the particular artist shows it, I then 'copy' & 'paste' the artist playlist back into the lineup, alphabetize them and sync it. It'll be there the next time but later it can disappear. I wish I could say a particular playlist(s) does it but I haven't noticed any nor a time frame that it takes to happen. My memory prevents me from recollecting what playlist disappears and when. I'll just notice when uploading a song to a particular artist that it's gone.

I will try the "fsck and a manual database rebuild" and we'll see what happens. It has been awhile since I've done one or even hooked up the serial.
Thanks for the help all.