what does this mean "tags.cpp 61:failed to open tags"?

Posted by: n2toh

what does this mean "tags.cpp 61:failed to open tags"? - 14/03/2006 14:59

I just loaded about 2GB of tunes onto my MK2 and that poped up on the serial console.

again v3.00a11 hijack v445 jEmpload v70
Posted by: Roger

Re: what does this mean "tags.cpp 61:failed to open tags"? - 14/03/2006 15:11

Nothing to worry about. When you upload tunes, the database files (/empeg/var/tags, playlists, database) are deleted. This causes the player to rebuild them.

This error just means that the player's noticed that they're not there and is going to rebuild them.

It's only when it doesn't rebuild them that you need to start worrying.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: what does this mean "tags.cpp 61:failed to open tags"? - 14/03/2006 15:30

N2toh, you seem to be a relatively new user of the empeg. Is there a reason you're choosing to run unstable alpha software with known bugs, instead of the stable 2.0 final software?
Posted by: n2toh

Re: what does this mean "tags.cpp 61:failed to open tags"? - 14/03/2006 16:25

N2toh, you seem to be a relatively new user of the empeg. Is there a reason you're choosing to run unstable alpha software with known bugs, instead of the stable 2.0 final software?

I have been running 2.0 final software, and it was just as flakey as v3.00a11 on my MK2 I just didn't complain about it. I also don't make a habit of watching the serial console while loading music.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: what does this mean "tags.cpp 61:failed to open tags"? - 14/03/2006 17:33

Odd. Version 2 software should be entirely not-flakey. There are a lot of issues with version 3, but 2 should be solid as a rock.

If you were having trouble with it, I'd be concerned about other issues, such as hardware problems.

My opinion: You should get version 2.0 working stably and fix any hardware trouble you might be having, before trying alpha software. Multiple unrelated failures tend to cloud up any troubleshooting process.
Posted by: n2toh

Re: what does this mean "tags.cpp 61:failed to open tags"? - 14/03/2006 22:26

after learning to use this sites search function properly I found the answer to the tags.cpp 61:failed to open tags problem, but jEmpload v70 and empload v2 still hang on the reboot most of the time. but the player will now boot without rebuilding.