IRQ Timeout

Posted by: maczrool

IRQ Timeout - 26/10/2006 23:10

I've been trying to build a 160GB hard drive using Marks' builder but every time I do it, I am getting an IRQ timeout message while the inode tables are being built. This usually happens around the 14000 mark but varies a little each time. I notice that while they are being built that there are occasionally long pauses between successive tables. Perhaps the builder is just being too impatient with the building of the tables? I've tried this with multiple cables and Empegs so am at a loss as to what is causing this. Anyone have any ideas?

Posted by: mlord

Re: IRQ Timeout - 26/10/2006 23:49

I'll try something similar here and see what happens..

Posted by: mlord

Re: IRQ Timeout - 27/10/2006 00:13

I just now hooked a 160GB drive up to a Mk2a (16MB RAM), and ran the bigdisk builder on it without any glitches. That's a 160GB desktop drive, though. My only two 160GB notebook drives (Seagate) are busy in other (non-empeg) systems already.

Header issues?

Posted by: mlord

Re: IRQ Timeout - 27/10/2006 00:39

Mmm.. another thing to watch for AFTER you fix the current problem:

The hijack-based player software .upgrade files I posted earlier appear to be knackered -- the bigdisk builder is fine, but the others don't all actually have Hijack kernels in them (oops!).

I've rebuilt them and put the replacements onto my server (same names, paths), and am currently trying to test them here (on the 160GB drive).. takes time, though.

Posted by: maczrool

Re: IRQ Timeout - 27/10/2006 00:47

Could be header issues although I built an 80 with no trouble and it would have to be header issues with two different Empegs that work fine otherwise. The 160 is a Hitachi by the way. Thanks for looking into it though Mark!

Is there a way to modify the wait time before it times out?

Posted by: mlord

Re: IRQ Timeout - 27/10/2006 01:55

No, it really shouldn't be timing out -- the wait time is already HUGE compared with how fast the drives process even the largest of commands.

That said, I'm still poking around here with my 160GB drive, and all is NOT well.. I suspect there may be a bug or two in Hijack's LBA48 support (it never has been rigorously tested before).

So I'll dig into that a bit and perhaps have an update again for you to try tomorrow.

Posted by: mlord

Re: IRQ Timeout - 27/10/2006 03:32

See the new thread in General: Hijack v464