Changine User Info

Posted by: FieroSTi

Changine User Info - 21/05/2007 03:21

Possibly a stupid n00b question...but I'll ask it anyhow. I can't figure out why, no matter what I do, the player still displays the old owner's information? I've edited the configuration screen in emplode, and I even went so far as to do a little config.ini editing while I was doing some Hijack editing. Any ideas?
Posted by: StigOE

Re: Changine User Info - 21/05/2007 05:29

Just to get it out of the way, you did remember to synchronize after you did those changes?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Changine User Info - 21/05/2007 19:12

1. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but just in case: Don't edit the "Configure Player" screen in emplode and edit the "Config.ini" file directly within the same emplode session. Because the settings in the configure player screen get written to config.ini, you could get into a situation where the changes you intended to make to the player settings get written from that edited copy of config.ini, thus losing the changes.

2. As was already said: After editing either the configure player screen or the config.ini screen, always make sure to synch.

3. If synching doesn't write your changes to the player, you might be having this problem (fsck), this problem (db rebuild), or this problem (disk trouble). You can also check for this problem (favorites bloat) but it's less likely.