Need new HDD

Posted by: davec

Need new HDD - 02/07/2007 15:20

Is there any drive that is recommended for a replacement? I have a Mk2 and my IBM Travelstar 30Gb I added a few years ago died. The original 12Gb is still cranking away though.

I noticed the dead one is a 4200RPM, is there any issue with 5400RPM or even 7200RPM being used?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Need new HDD - 02/07/2007 18:16

From the drive upgrade guide...

Disk drive access speed isn't a factor, since the player uses an aggressive caching algorithm that leaves the disks spun down most of the time. Any modern laptop hard disk should be fast enough, and you will not notice any speed increase by purchasing a faster disk drive. In fact, if choosing between a fast drive and a slower drive, the slower drive is probably the better choice because it will most likely be cheaper and produce less heat. Your biggest concern will be the price/capacity trade-off.
Posted by: davec

Re: Need new HDD - 02/07/2007 20:18

Jeez, I swear I looked at all the FAQs that pertained to drives, but I missed that entire paragraph. Thanks, Tony!!!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Need new HDD - 03/07/2007 15:15

Of course, that paragraph was coming at the question from a different side: It assumes someone is considering spending money on a faster drive just for performance reasons. You asked the opposite question: You already own a faster drive, so would it be a problem? I hope the paragraph was clear enough about saying that the speed of the drive doesn't matter at all.