Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone?

Posted by: Captain Kurt

Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 02:13

I am having some trouble loading music onto two 100GB discs retrofitted into a RioCar and were wondering if you could help me. I am willing to pay for your time to walk me through this or perhaps you could suggest someone else who could.

I am using the developer version 2.0 with ethernet connection and got about 120 Gb loaded when:

Synchronize failed while writing player configuration. An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket(error 0X80072736)

Now takes forever during Building Databases.

Established a Hyperterminal connection and see:

running e2fsck recommended
Failed to open tags 0XC0041002

I have tried all the things in the FAQ section on the site.

I have Skype and PayPal.

Posted by: Shonky

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 08:07

Using emplode or jemplode?

Post more of the Hyperterminal log might help. Probably just dump the whole thing to start with just in case there's something important (that you might think isn't actually important).

Have you done this to make sure your file systems are ok:;faqent=162#162

and then delete and rebuild the database:;faqent=220#220

At least get what you've got on the player working OK first before putting more on I think.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 08:39

Originally Posted By: Shonky
Post more of the Hyperterminal log might help.

Note that copy/paste from Hyperterminal doesn't work, so you'll need to capture the output to a file. I can't remember what that setting's called, but it's fairly obvious.

Then you can attach the log file to a post here.

That said, the first thing you should do is run fsck, as documented in the FAQ, and then allow the player to rebuild its database, also in the FAQ.

To clarify: what's happening here is that emplode deletes the database before beginning an upload (this is fine, it gets rebuilt at the end), but emplode has crashed (or the player rebooted). This is your "socket closed" error. Because of this, the player didn't get a chance to correctly rebuild its database.

This means that the player has no database on it (0xC....2 is file not found). You can get the player to rebuild its database by following the instructions in the FAQ.
Posted by: woops

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 08:44

If one uses the fidsift hack, and you want to "Start Over", what happens if you delete "drive0/fids" and "drive1/fids"?

Posted by: mlord

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 12:06

Originally Posted By: woops
If one uses the fidsift hack, and you want to "Start Over", what happens if you delete "drive0/fids" and "drive1/fids"?

You would lose *all* of your tunes if you did that. So don't.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 13:47

Originally Posted By: Captain Kurt
I am having some trouble loading music onto two 100GB discs retrofitted into a RioCar ...

Let's rewind a bit. These are large disks. When you retrofitted these disks, did you use the Bigdisk builder from the drive upgrade guide, or the regular builder?

Did you build both disks individually?

Did you put Mark's bigdisk player firmware onto both of them, individually?
Posted by: oliver

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 14:01

Originally Posted By: Roger
Note that copy/paste from Hyperterminal doesn't work, so you'll need to capture the output to a file. I can't remember what that setting's called, but it's fairly obvious.

Putty has been updated to not crash when using a COM connection. At it allows you to resize the window, and copy/paste from the buffer. I'd recommend putty over hyperterminal anyday!

Connection Settings are easy, just click Serial then enter 115200 for the Speed and click connect.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 14:06

Originally Posted By: tfabris
Originally Posted By: Captain Kurt
I am having some trouble loading music onto two 100GB discs retrofitted into a RioCar ...

Let's rewind a bit. These are large disks. When you retrofitted these disks, did you use the Bigdisk builder from the drive upgrade guide, or the regular builder?

Did you build both disks individually?

Did you put Mark's bigdisk player firmware onto both of them, individually?

They're not big enough to matter as far as kernels go -- still under the 128GB boundary.

But whether or not the builder actually completed successfully is a good question. I think it probably did, and his current woes were just an "out of memory" condition at some point during a bulk upload.

Just needs to manually run fsck.ext2 on everything, delete any leftover database files, and force a manual database rebuild.

That stuff is all in the FAQ, but it would probably be helpful for someone to walk him through all of that. Somebody who's been there, done that. I don't really qualify.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 16:21

Originally Posted By: oliver
Putty has been updated to not crash when using a COM connection. At it allows you to resize the window, and copy/paste from the buffer. I'd recommend putty over hyperterminal anyday!

Yay! I'd been wondering about when that day would come.

Related: Does WinSCP work with regular FTP sites yet? smile
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 18/03/2008 17:13

Surprisingly, yes.
Posted by: Captain Kurt

Re: Troubleshooting for Cash Anyone? - 19/03/2008 18:07

Hi Everybody,

Thanks for all the suggestions. I will be out for about a week (sailing) but hope to connect with you and resolve this issue when I get back.

FYI I have tried the shell prompt fixes and don't seem to be getting anywhere. I think I need some realtime tutoring.
Stuart Eutronix installed the drives. Not sure about a big drive version. Someone mentioned there may be memory shortage with drives this big.

See you in week.
