IR transmission for data?

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

IR transmission for data? - 11/01/2001 07:47


My HP Pavillion notebook that I purchased about 5 months ago came with an IR port on the back. I have no documentation or anything for it (I have the manual, but nothing is mentioned about the port). Is there any way I can have this interface with the empeg? It would be cool to send songs like that with no wires, or even to use it as an expensive remote :) .

Also, are there any known issues with using a notebook for my primary empeg loading device? It has a PIII 600 with 128MB and a 10 gig. I know that I can't use the notebook to backup everything on the empeg because I got the 12gig model, but does anyone else use a notebook?

12gig Mk. II (in route?)
Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: BillB

Re: IR transmission for data? - 11/01/2001 08:06

Using a laptop to load the empeg is really no different from using a regular PC, as long as your using USB, ethernet, or serial.

In regards to the IR-

To load via IR, you'd have to get the player software to use the IR port on the empeg instead of the serial port. Not sure what that would take, or if it's even possible. And, since you'd only get serial speeds (115200) out of it anyway, it's probably not really worth the trouble. If you REALLY want wireless, I'd spend the money to go wireless ethernet.

I'm guessing there's software available to allow use of your IR port as a remote, but off the top of my head I don't know any. I have sw for my palm, but not for my PCs. A quick search on google or altavista should turn up a number of choices.

Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 38 GB /
Posted by: bonzi

Re: IR transmission for data? - 12/01/2001 13:58

I use my ancient IBM ThinkPad 380 under RedHat for empeg database maintenance and occasional upload with no problem. However, ripping from its CD-ROM drive either takes forever, or introduces not so infrequent clicks and pops into mp3s (sometimes both), depending on cdparanoia settings. Of course, YMMV.

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green