Display Server

Posted by: Sheetzam

Display Server - 18/04/2001 08:42

Any chance someone can post a FAQ about what Display Server actually does, where to find it, and how to install it? It's getting quite difficult to run that information down at this point.

Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 08:54

Displayserver is a web-server for the empeg. It's primary goal was to show the empeg's display in a java-applet, hence it's name. Version 1.1 also has functions to download MP3's from your empeg and let it act as a pseudo shoutcast-server. It can be obtained from http://empeg.dyndns.org/empeg under displayserver1.1
There isn't a FAQ right now, only a technical description of how to install and run it. As 2.0 sees daylight, I will try to make some fancy HTML-page describing it's functions and various other stuff. I just downloaded HTML-KIT; boy, that's a great HTML-editor...

version 2.0 is a rewrite from 1.1 with some extra functionality :
- empeg acting as filetaxi
- customizible web-interface
- custimizible java-applet
- ability to install user CGI-scripts
- backup your empeg
- web-based text-editor for your empeg
- some stuff which isn't tested yet...

Frank van Gestel

Edited by fvgestel on 18/04/01 08:18 PM.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 10:50

sheetman - I was just doing a search for the last 20 minutes or so looking for the same info. I keep hearing things about it - but never any detailed info or where to even get it! :) A FAQ on this, or a link from the developer site would be great.

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 10:53

I know you get asked this often, but: Might there be USB-support?

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 10:54

Frank, Again I'd like to say (and I've said it in several other posts) that you are amazing for having developed this and you HAVE to set up some way for us to pay you for registering this. It was one of the big reasons I bought my empeg.

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 10:56

Cant get link to work....

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: Terminator

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 11:56

Try this one:



Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 12:17

I checked it out. Thanks! It looks like it may be just a bit beyond my scope of knowledge. I assume you install it via hyperterminal? I have the logo editor running, but I may wait until Frank gets his web page going ... But I didn't think I'd be able to add a HD, get the logo editor or connect thru ethernet and I did those.... so...

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: Terminator

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 12:34

This site has a ton of info on linux. It may answer some of your linux questions.


Posted by: Derek

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 14:07

I've got a good way for you to pay Frank back. Write some really cool piece of software that he will really want to use!

(list 6284, Mk1 S/N 00299 4GB blue [for sale]. Mk2 S/N 080000094 6GB blue)
Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Display Server - 18/04/2001 14:25

That falls under the "not yet fully tested" category. I've got win32/empeg ip-usb proxy software running, but it can only handle one connection at a time. I'm trying to setup some protocol for multiple concurrent connections, but it has low priority.

Frank van Gestel
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 19/04/2001 06:38

I can't program, but I could help with the web site.... some sites I've done:


Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 19/04/2001 11:28

Could anyone re-rewrite the "readme.txt" file for dummies like me? tfrabis you rock at that kind of stuff.

(Sorry for all the newbie questions... I am checking out that Linux resourse...)

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Display Server - 19/04/2001 12:04

- unzip the install.sh.gz file ( you can use winzip )
I guess this doesn't need any explanation
- copy the install.sh file to the empeg ( use binary mode when using ftp )
connect empeg through the serial cable to your pc
start hyperterminal (start->programs->accessories->communications)
create a new connection and name it "empeg"
when windows comes with a dialog which asks to connect, click cancel
in the menubar choose File->properties
A new window will open with two tabs : "connect to" & "settings"
in the "connect to" tab, choose the serial port to use "COM1/COM2",
then click on configure
set the following values :

Bits per second : 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None

Close the properties window by clicking OK
Close the tabbed window by clicking OK
Now click on the phone icon; a connection will be made
reboot your empeg; boot messages should appear in hyperterminal
after bootup is complete, press "q" a couple of times to get a shell prompt
a shell prompt looks like this:

type the following ( [ENTER] is pressing the ENTER-key) :
# rw[ENTER]

# cd /tmp[ENTER]

In hyperterminal, in the menubar, select "transfer->send file..."
Select the unzipped install.sh file and Zmodem as the transfer protocol
click send to send the file to the empeg

- make the install.sh file executable ( chmod +x install.sh )

type the following in hyperterm :
# chmod +x install.sh[ENTER]

- run the install.sh file on the empeg ( ./install.sh )
# ./install.sh[ENTER]

- answer the questions asked
Just pressing ENTER at the questions will take the default settings
- cd to the install-dir
# cd /usr/local/displayserver[ENTER]

- start display server : ./displayserver
Not really neccesary;if you've setup for automatic startup, you could just pull the plug and reboot your empeg and everything should work fine.
To start immediately :
# ./displayserver[ENTER]

- open your web-browser
No comment
- give URL : http://[ip-address of your empeg]
Assuming you have connected it through ethernet also
- userid : ttt password: ttt
This gets asked the first time you open the web-page
- off you go
Did it regularly, still going off once in a while

Frank van Gestel
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Display Server - 19/04/2001 13:08

cd /tmp[ENTER]

Actually, I highly recommend putting install.sh in drive0/var because then it's persistent and you can simply re-run install.sh after a player upgrade.

Unless /tmp is persistent, too, in which case I'll shut up. I don't know much about Linux.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Display Server - 19/04/2001 14:30

You're right, /tmp isn't persistent during upgrades.
Just like selecting install-location I tell people that everything is back to default when applying upgrades. Well, should be, I heard there were some cases where the second drive wasn't mounted correctly at boot time (my fault). AFAIK these issues were solved using an upgrade and multiple reboots.
Can anyone verify that the current version(1.1) hasn't got any bad side-effects?
I don't get any mails about bugs lately, so it should probably be OK
Anyway, I also had it installed in /usr/local/displayserver, where /usr/local is located on /drive0, so an upgrade would only require another init.

Frank van Gestel
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 20/04/2001 05:00

So, if I get this right...

cd /drive0/var INSTEAD OF cd /temp ?

Also, do I need to have the developer image installed instead of the consumer image?

Finally, (sorry guys!) when applying upgrades, do I need to take any special precautions now that I have 2 drives? I wouldn't think so, but just want to check.

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 20/04/2001 07:06

so the only file I need is install_sh.gz? What are "kernal.patch" and "Zimage.gz" for?

I am not able to get the shell prompt, so I am guessing that I need the developer image....

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 20/04/2001 09:04

Just a little heads up to everyone trying this like me... after I unzipped the install_sh.gz file, somehow the extracted file became named "Install.sh" <-- with a capitol letter I. I could transfer the file, but when trying the chmod and ./install commands, it said that there was no file named Install.sh or install.sh. So, I renamed the file on my PC (all lower case) and re-send it. I don't know how to erase the one with the capitol I on the empeg, but I figure it is not taking up too much room.. (intalled it in the tmp dir)...

This thing is just sweet! Now I am going to do a search to figure out how to get the streeming going. (Winamp just says Authorization Required - but doesn't ask for a password...)

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Display Server - 20/04/2001 12:48

I don't know how to erase the one with the capitol

rm = delete file
mv = rename OR move a file. (path is optional if file is in local dir)

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Display Server - 20/04/2001 13:00

Thanks! The old MSDOS days are coming back to me... :)

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: Smoker_Man

Re: Display Server - 23/04/2001 18:38

In reply to:

(Winamp just says Authorization Required - but doesn't ask for a password...)

well, init the displayserver with the ./displayserver -noauth and you can get away with streaming with no authorization, myself, I have edited the config.ini file so that it inits with the -noauth setting. (I cant remember where the config.ini is sorry, Frank or Tony do - ownership of the issue sucessfuly delegated!)

Hope that helps

#080000449 MkII - 36Gb Blue
Posted by: thinfourth2

Revenge of the stupid - 07/05/2001 02:14

okay i got my network running achievment
i got displayserver running another achievment
i got winamp streaming off empeg
i got the IR kernal hack running yet another achievment

what i want to do now is to get the window with display sever to stay on top and any ideas how to get the internet over a simple home netwrk so that girlfriend can play with chat rooms while i do something usefull like read this forum and ask stupid questions using two computers

Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Revenge of the stupid - 07/05/2001 05:56

To get it to stay on top, you can use something like windowblinds (www.stardock.net). Some of the skins support this (such as Win2k_Extended). I don't know if there's a shareware version still available.

Home networking, two basic choices: two ethernet cards in one machine & some software like Wingate (also a firewall software like Blackice Defender) where one NIC is your internal network and one is to your internet connection (assuming DSL or Cable), or alternately a piece of hardware that acts as a hub/switch and firewall. There are a lot of these. A good place to start is to practicallynetworked.com. Either way is not too difficult, but requires some footwork to determine what you need. I don' t think you'll have a hard time, since you've come this far. If you have a dial-up some of these hardware solutions will still work, as they have modems or allow for external modems.


just say you weren't paying much attention...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Revenge of the stupid - 07/05/2001 08:52

Don't forget to tell him that recent versions of Windows come with "Internet Connection Sharing" software built-in. It's a pain, though, especially if you've already got your LAN addresses pre-assigned because ICS renumbers everything. Or at least that's the way I recall it working.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Revenge of the stupid - 07/05/2001 09:52

i read the web site discovered ICS software thing ran it and result network stopped working and empeg disappeared off network. No fun what so ever so everything is back where i was before i might not have internet sharing but at least i got the empeg back on the LAN

Thank god microsoft never wrote the software for empeg

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Revenge of the stupid - 07/05/2001 09:58

Yeah, your experiences with ICS are pretty much universal. Since it renumbers everything and completely changes your networking scheme, it tends to screw up existing networks.

It's actually possible to get the Empeg and your old network working properly and co-existing peacefully with ICS, but it takes a bit of know-how and Blood/Sweat/Tears to get it done.

I think that in your case, for simplicity's sake, you're better off getting a hardware router that does the internet connection sharing. Lots of companies make these... Linksys, 3Com, etc. They can either share a phone connection, a DSL connection, or an ISDN connection. Sometimes you can get them with a firewall built-in.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Revenge of the stupid - 07/05/2001 11:06

I'm inclined to agree. I've just gotten the SMC 7004WBR. About $280 for a 3 port Switch, Wireless (Wifi/802.11b), Print server (LPR), & WAN Firewall/NAT. Simple Switch/NAT devices (4 port) can be had for about $150. I had a dual homed machine, but this setup frees up some resources & doesn't bother the Mrs' connection when Descent III crashes my system.


just say you weren't paying much attention...
Posted by: thinfourth2

return of the stupid - 07/05/2001 12:29

looks like i'll have to do a bit of saving and home work as just now i have an modem V90 but i might upgrade to ADSL at some point and also i spent a load of cash on this strange little computer thing that fits into my car and plays music

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: return of the stupid - 07/05/2001 13:06

Back to Displayserver... Is there any way to get it to stream the root playlist?

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: phaigh

Re: Revenge of the stupid - 09/05/2001 12:39

I think that even MS are realising that ICS is a bunch of ...

As for the hardware router - if you are into playing computers, it might be worthwhile picking up an old computer and setting it up as a gateway running Linux - this is exactly what I have at home.

The linux box becomes a gateway/firewall/server/NT Domain Controller (Samba)/Filestore/database/webserver/etc.

Linux is capable of doing this on ISDN, Modems and I believe even ADSL as well these days.

If you don't want to run X (Windows for UNIX) then you don't need a spanking fast system - I've run a router/firewall on a 386 in the past (and it added less than 10ms to my pings).

Currently mine is a 2xCelery system, but hey!


Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120
(mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254
(mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357
Posted by: thinfourth2

the stupid meets penguin - 09/05/2001 13:19

tell me more about this linux box idea as that sounds like a fun idea project

Posted by: loren

Re: the stupid meets penguin - 09/05/2001 14:15


that's my router that i have running LRP on and old 486 with 8 megs of RAM which doubles as wall art. I put the whole thing together for close to free. I've changed my network around and it now includes a Netgear 8 port switch and another computer or two, the Rio Reciever, and occasionally the empeg. It's been up and running for over a year and a half without reboot. Solid.

|| loren.cox ||
Posted by: andy

Re: the stupid meets penguin - 09/05/2001 15:00

A class install !!

Reminds me of the slimline Dell 486sx16 sitting here on my desk acting as a LRP box, I tend to forget it isn't just my monitor stand (since the fan died on the power supply last year it's totally silent).

Unit serial number 47 (was 330 in the queue)...
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: the stupid meets penguin - 10/05/2001 07:33

New thread? (sorry)

Detroit, MI USA