HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"?

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 10/05/2001 15:26

Getting a bit worried here....

I just went to do the second sync of the day and it hung on "building music database".... Closing emplode through Task Manager, I then tried to re-connect via USB... failed. So, I unpowered the player and plugged it back in. It booted up and took quite "a while" to build the music database, but I expected that after a failed sync. I hit play and it played just fine. So, after this successful boot-up, I reconnected via USB.. As soon as I selected USB as the means to connect, it started sync'ing and did a Disc integrity check. This took FOREVER (almost) compared to previous times. Next was a painfully long Music database rebuild.

Should I be worried?

The only problem I noticed prior to this was uploads taking longer than normal... Is my player getting so full (I have one 12 gig drive and one 20 gig drive with 12-13 gig's free) that things are going to start taking longer? Some of this is expected, but the change was sudden.

Don't have my serial cable with me... :(

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 10/05/2001 20:52

Okay, at home now... tried it with another computer and the USB response is getting very slow and it is not always finding the empeg when starting emplode.... (cue up theme music from Halloween)

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: tfabris

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 10/05/2001 22:23

Have you installed a custom init script (such as one to run displayserver), and neglected to reduce the cache size in the .INI file?

Tony Fabris
Posted by: bonzi

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 11/05/2001 06:41

Disk integrity check is usually skipped (I think it is performaed once a month and every 20 syncs, whichever comes first). It consists of Linux fsck (file system check) command, and the time it takes is roughly proportional to number of files and space used (there is also part of more or less constant duration for a given disk). It does not seem to explain your unit's behavior... Be sure to monitor serial output next time.

Good luck!

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 11/05/2001 08:38

Yes, I do have Displayserver running. I only followed the directions on the Displayserver post... I don't remember editting any .ini file...

Displayserver has been running for about 3 weeks. I'll do a search..

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: tfabris

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 11/05/2001 10:55

One of the problems with Displayserver is that it replaces your "init" with a shell script. This means BASH is loaded into memory along with the player, so the player doesn't have as much RAM.

You need to edit the config.ini in drive0/var and add some stuff to it:

cd /drive0/var
echo "[startup]" >> config.ini
echo "reservecache=12" >> config.ini

there will be a long pause after RWM...

Tony Fabris
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 11/05/2001 11:19

Thanks Tony, you Rock!

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: tfabris

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 11/05/2001 11:34

Don't thank me yet. I don't know if that was even related to your problem at all. It was just a guess.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 11/05/2001 18:43

it is not always finding the empeg when starting emplode

Here's a little-known emplode factoid. When you connect your empeg at home, you must connect the USB cable before you connect the power to the empeg, or emplode won't find the empeg.

This was the case as recently as 1.01... I don't know about 1.02, and I guess I'm not disclosing any secrets when I tell you that it has been fixed in 1.1.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 14/05/2001 10:05

I rarely use Displayserver, but would like to keep it installed for when I do need it.... how can I turn off the "autostart"...?

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: tfabris

Re: HELP: Synchronising... how long is "a while"? - 14/05/2001 11:23

I rarely use Displayserver, but would like to keep it installed for when I do need it.... how can I turn off the "autostart"...?

You edit the init so that it doesn't start displayserver, and you can use either the serial command prompt to start it by hand, or use a custom "picker" program to choose starting it at bootup.

More details on how to use the picker program can be found here:

Although it will take some modification to those files. Specifically, if you want to use the boot menu to start displayserver, you would edit "testinit" to remove the line that launches displayserver, then edit pick_list so that the second option (currently blank and unused) so that it launches displayserver.

Tony Fabris