PPP over USB under Windows98/2000

Posted by: kim

PPP over USB under Windows98/2000 - 02/03/2000 09:26

Some people have said on other context that they are using PPP over USB. Is this possible also under Windows 98/2000? If there is somebody who is using such a setup, could he possible post a simple list of things/programs in order to achieve it?

I would be most interested to run a ftp/telnet server on empeg, for easier and faster file transferring during software development on empeg. In any case it would beat the slow serial connection no matter what.

...waiting for Mk.2 and a real ethernet connection!



Posted by: bobo

PPP over USB - 04/03/2001 16:38

I stil havent found any solution for PPP over USB (linux <--> linux is ok !)
anybody got it working ?


Posted by: fvgestel

Re: PPP over USB - 05/03/2001 08:51


I'm sorry I haven't replied to you sooner, but I am quite busy lately. I am still in the process of writing some kind of IP-forwarding utility for win32 -> empeg over USB.
I'm planning on releasing something usefull at the end of march. You could also ask jazzwire, he is also developing some USB filetaxi program for win32; do a search of 'filetaxi' and you will find some relevant threads...
BTW : PPP over USB on linux should be quite simple... look at the emptool source to see which device file is opened and start pppd on both sides using the appropiate device files...

Frank van Gestel
Posted by: fvgestel

Re: PPP over USB - 05/03/2001 12:18

Correction : do a search for "empegtaxi"

Frank van Gestel
Posted by: bobo

Re: PPP over USB - 05/03/2001 13:58

thanks frak, i found it :-)
iīll test the ppp over usb link on linux now and will post a report here if it works...


Posted by: bobo

PPP over USB (linux) problems - 06/03/2001 06:36

hmmm... the pppd on the empeg will not run on the usb-device:

pppd /dev/usb 115200 nocrtscts local noauth defaultroute passive
===> no pppd process

pppd /dev/ttyS1 115200 nocrtscts local noauth defaultroute passive


pppd /dev/ttyS2 115200 nocrtscts local noauth defaultroute passive


any suggestions ?


Posted by: bobo

Re: PPP over USB (linux) problems - 13/03/2001 10:33

isīnt there anybody who got ppp over usb working ??
