how do I restore info setting using hijack?

Posted by: fusto

how do I restore info setting using hijack? - 21/02/2002 10:10

This was found originally in the wish list forum posted by Hybrid8 (Bruno).
Use Hijack to restore the visuals. This can be done in two ways. Using Hijack's built-in feature for this purpose, or by using the "initial=" IR translate feature in the config.ini. My favourite mode for the car is Track Info anyway, so I don't bother. I did use the initial setting to overcome the recent b11 restore bug though.

I'd like to workaround this bug as well.
But what code would I use after the "initial=" function in the config.ini?
I want to force it to track for all environments.
So I use "initial.CTA=" then what? I tried using a series of button press codes to take me to info:track but apparently I'm too dim to figure it out on my own.

