Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info !

Posted by: dda

Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 04/03/2002 08:19

Detail in PopUp0 selects the Seek Tool Info and doesn't show the song details like it should do. A little bit like this symbolic name was only a short press equiv.
Does anyone have the solution ? Mark ?
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 04/03/2002 09:56

Uh... Hold the button down...
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 04/03/2002 14:12

Yes, Info and Detail PopUpX keywords are equivalent (unlike Detail one attaches to knob press directly from Hijack menu). This was mentioned in several threads (some rather heated ones ). Just remember to hold the button.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 04/03/2002 20:04

YEah, I know. I might make that more intuitive some day, but for the time being..

The IR translation layer scares me a little. It does so much, and wasn't really constructed with all of that future capability in mind. It just started out as a very simple button->button translator..

Posted by: tonyc

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 04/03/2002 23:34

The IR translation layer scares me a little. It does so much, and wasn't really constructed with all of that future capability in mind. It just started out as a very simple button->button translator..

Yeah but it's perhaps the most powerful feature (except for the user application interfaces) in Hijack... So much customization can be done with the IR trans. Has the code just gotten out of control? Or is there some other problem with it?

If you're looking for something besides IR trans to work on (teehehehe) how about that in-place writing of data to the hard disk? Or the mmap buffer for display writes? Eh?
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 05/03/2002 01:14

> I might make that more intuitive some day, but for the time being..

Please do. It's not as if it were *difficult* to hold a button, but one just forgets. I will have to remove 'Details' from my popups: seeing 'Info' will, I hope, make me remember to hold it for details display...

Thanks for the feature, BTW. Makes the player *much* easier to operate while driving (although I am quite good at operating the remote blindly).
Posted by: mlord

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 05/03/2002 08:27

The IR stuff is just so close to the hardware, timing is tight. So it cannot do too much in the button interrupt handler. So it gets offloaded to the next level, which is the display handler (also running as an interrupt handler). And by then it's too late to use certain conditionals where I'd like. And it all has to run without delaying buttons fed to the player, or the UI seems slow. But yet it still has to maintain sequence and timing of the original presses, plus translated macros, as they're fed to the player. Plus, some "buttons" pop-up menus and whatnot. Etc..

It would be easier to be fancy if I chewed up 10-20KB more memory for separate threads and fancier data structures, but I don't really want that much system loading for it..

blah blah blah blah

And the darned thing breaks so easily when any of the above considerations is forgotten..

Posted by: tonyc

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 05/03/2002 08:37

Okay, then don't change a thing. It works great for me as is.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 05/03/2002 08:42

>Okay, then don't change a thing. It works great for me as is.

Who are you, and what have you done with Tony??

Posted by: tonyc

Re: Detail in PopUp0 shows SeekTool Info ! - 05/03/2002 10:31

Who are you, and what have you done with Tony??

Teeeheheehe.. No, seriously, IR trans does everything I want it to do. All I want from Hijack now is the userland interface stuff, i.e. the in-situ disk writing and mmap display buffer. The disk writing thing will allow my alarm clock app to save your alarm time, time format, etc. Right now I'm losing all that stuff on reboots. Everything else (HTTP, FTP, IR trans) are, in my mind, as good as I need them to be.

Oh, except last night my FTP client tried to make a directory and it chopped off the first character.. Like "MKD images" made a directory called "mages." This was with v228 I think. I know you fixed a problem with an initial space being added for some people, maybe the fix introduced some other bug? Anyone else who's using CuteFTP have any similar problems?
Posted by: mlord

Hijack v230: fixed MKD/RMD commands - 05/03/2002 10:48

>FTP client tried to make a directory
>and it chopped off the first character..

Oh crap. I got the conditionals backwards on that.

Fixed in v230, out shortly.
