IR remote

Posted by: olfajarley

IR remote - 09/04/2002 14:57

I checked my remote on the IR mode of my video camera cause it stopped working and the IR light just stays on ....doesn't flicker like it should just a constant beam of light? is it broke? PS i switched the batteries and all that good stuff
Posted by: tfabris

Re: IR remote - 09/04/2002 14:59


This is the first time I've ever heard of someone ACTUALLY CHECKING to see what the remote was really doing. VERY COOL.

Don't know what to do about it, but VERY COOL.
Posted by: genixia

Re: IR remote - 09/04/2002 15:38

Uhhh...Do you mean 'just stays on' when no button is pressed or only when you press a button.

IR signals are usually modulated onto a 35-50KHz carrier - (38.1KHz is very common), so you would not see any flicker. However, if you are seeing a constant IR beam when no button is pressed then I'm guessing that there is a problem with the remote.
Posted by: olfajarley

Re: IR remote - 09/04/2002 18:29

it appears as though on a properly functioning remote for the rio, just looking at the remote in nite mode on a sony camera the remote doesn't emit any light but when a button is pressed it will flicker like a strobe light however mine is constant just a solid beam wheather a button is pressed or not. And even though it may resonate that beam at 35 to 50 Khz thats way to quick for the eye to see
Posted by: tfabris

Re: IR remote - 09/04/2002 21:05

You are correct, for the remote to be working correctly, you should see the light blinking, not see it shine steadily.

I just confirmed this by shining my working Rio and Kenwood remotes into my digital camera and looking through the viewfinder. The LED blinks like a little strobe when I press the button.

In a terrible twist of ironic fate, I was also able to confirm that a remote which shines a steady light is definitely malfunctioning. I dropped the Rio Receiver remote into the hot tub just a few minutes ago, and after cleaning it out, it exhibited exactly the behavior you described: Steady shine even when a button is not being pressed.

/me heads over to the Rio Receiver BBS to post a question about this...

Posted by: acurasquirrel

Re: IR remote - 09/04/2002 21:32

Here is a picture I just took with my webcam. The little light is the IR LED of the remote
Posted by: tfabris

Re: IR remote - 09/04/2002 21:45

Yup, and when it's working properly, it blinks, strobe-like, when a button is held down. If you see a steady light, it's malfunctioning. Try removing the battery for a few minutes and putting it back in.