Sony(Unilink) + Empeg(Serial) = Rad Setup

Posted by: Supratachophobia

Sony(Unilink) + Empeg(Serial) = Rad Setup - 23/04/2002 14:37

Hi everyone, first off. I am a new user, but long reader to/of this discussion board. I would like to get an idea of how many of us out there own Sony head units with Unilink connections and would like more information on an adapter that would go from the Unilink port to the Empeg serial port. The end result would be the infamous AUX-IN RCA jacks working due to the fact the Sony head unit is being fooled into thinking there was a changer installed. IF THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Thanks.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Sony(Unilink) + Empeg(Serial) = Rad Setup - 23/04/2002 14:40

Please do not cross-post like that. Your question has been answered in another forum. Locking thread.