When will 2.O final come out ?

Posted by: dda

When will 2.O final come out ? - 12/06/2002 08:26

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 12/06/2002 08:55

That's no fair, you need to type something!

Not for a white... the empeg team is working on some other stuff, but it involved the player software, so it will happen. I'm putting my money on the end of summer.. when some new products are coming out.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 12/06/2002 10:25

I couldn't care less about 2.0 final, I'm just interested in them releasing the next beta.

Being on the alpha team, I'm running internal 2.0 beta 12, and there's really only one major day-to-day annoyance that absolutely needs immediate correction: There's sometimes a "pause" when you press certain buttons. For instance, when you hold down the button to Fast-Forward, it often takes up to 20 seconds to actually begin fast-forwarding.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 12/06/2002 10:25

Oh, and for the rest of the lemmings: USB drivers fixed in XP would be nice.
Posted by: lopan

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 12/06/2002 12:01

I'm running 2.0 beta 11 and I'm experiencing that same thing.... pauses between button presses (same symptoms you described) and even some funkiness when turning the volume knob.
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 12/06/2002 12:43

even some funkiness when turning the volume knob

What's it doing?

I've noticed sometimes when I spin the volume knob quickly (AKA 'flicking' it) the volume level creeps up slowly over a few seconds rather than instantaneously.
For me this unexpected behaviour is more of an ear-drum saving feature than a bug
Posted by: tfabris

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 12/06/2002 12:49

the volume level creeps up slowly over a few seconds rather than instantaneously.

Right, this is the same bug I was describing. It's on their internal bug list.
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 12/06/2002 13:52

Sorry the answer is when it is finished i guess

Be glad they ain't micropants otherwise what we got would probably be the final
Posted by: lopan

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 13/06/2002 18:18

Thats it.... it's most painful for me when I'm trying to adjust the brightness of the LED's.... I turn it one way the level goes the opposite... I have to crank it all the way up then notch by notch turn it down. sometimes it works fine other times... not so fine.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: When will 2.O final come out ? - 13/06/2002 19:45

or 1.03 would have been the final and 2.0 would have never been released.
Posted by: K447

Re: Knob rotation irregularity? - 13/06/2002 23:21

I have also noticed that on many menus and functions (even volume), including Hijack's menus, rotation of the knob at speeds above "carefully" results in unpredicable increments, and those increments can be in the desired direction of knob rotation, or annoyingly in reverse direction of what "should" be happening for the curent direction of rotation.

And at times it will seem to "stick" at one value, and will only unstick (and continue to increment/decrement the setting) after rotating the knob in the opposite direction a fair number of clicks.

This might be a hardware encoder problem (flakey component), or something in the software decoding of the knob rotation input data.

I am now using 2.00 Beta11 with Hijack 275, have not used the older empeg versions much (Beta7 for a little while). Have updated Hijack numerous times.

Hmmm... Using one of my player's knobs just now, it seems fine. I wonder if I am recalling experiences using an earlier Hijack version, or if I was just imagining the problem...:
Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Knob rotation irregularity? - 13/06/2002 23:36

No, I still have this problem with the latest hijack and v2 beta 11 software. Sometimes, if I spin the knob fast on volume, it goes for a quick burst, and then continues to repeat the command (down volume, for example) at regular intervals about 5 times a second for 5-10 seconds (which is slower than the pulses I gave it that it started responding to). Nothing I can do to stop it but wait.

Never bothered me much, but I do experience it occasionally.


Posted by: mlord

Re: Knob rotation irregularity? - 14/06/2002 06:22

Note that the knob debounce logic is in the kernel, not the player software. The Hijack kernel has exactly the same code for this as the "stock" kernels.

And we have the full source code.

So.. if it's that important, just fix it now rather than wait for the next (?) beta.

Posted by: tms13

Re: Knob rotation irregularity? - 14/06/2002 07:09

The debounce constants could be read from config.ini...

... or ...

We could be a bit clever with the debouncing, like apply lots of debouncing initially, then back off with the repeats (like keyboard repeat rate or mouse acceleration) and only debounce harder when we get a direction change (or stop). That way, small changes can be made with precision, but larger changes can still be fast. And we've got Breakout to test it with (now I understand why that's there!)
Posted by: mlord

Re: Knob rotation irregularity? - 14/06/2002 07:11

Yes, I think the original release posting for Pong (now Breakout) mentioned something about it being an excellent stress test for the knobs on Mk2(a) players.
Posted by: ElectricD7

Re: Knob rotation irregularity? - 14/06/2002 08:41

I wish pong would come back along with breakout! Thats just like me....i have a top-notch headunit and I want to use it to play 25 year old games!

Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: Knob rotation irregularity? - 14/06/2002 15:42

when my empeg is repaired.. i wanna take a spin at programming Spacewar, space invader and Empire.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Knob rotation irregularity? - 14/06/2002 15:51

YHA MORE GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!