Another successful 120GB upgrade

Posted by: Jerz

Another successful 120GB upgrade - 01/06/2002 05:15

Thanks to RandyShimka I performed the relatively simple upgrade (cool site by the way just no recent activity). Did anyone that performed the upgrade notice that during recording of the first few cd's the thing would occasionally hang up? I simply turned the machine off and back on and it seems to be eating the cd's pretty good now.

Anyone know when a new software update is scheduled? It's kind of crazy that we STILL don't have RIOT support.

Posted by: Jerz

...STILL compressing - 06/06/2002 14:22

OK, I finished ripping my last of approximately 250CD's (I can get the exact count if anyone wants) on Sunday evening at approximately 10PM and originally started at 69% of 112GB and am down to 36% of 112GB and it is Thursday at 5:10PM just in case anyone is interested. Look like I'll have plenty of room to buy more CD's.


Posted by: Jerz

Finished @ 1:45 Friday - 07/06/2002 11:20

Yes it finally finished when I got home this afternoon. I knew it was finished for sure when I heard the HD spin up when I took it out of standby mode. The fan is still on so I imagine it finished up recently to this time.

It is now down to 30% full from 69% full on sunday out of a total of 112GB. This is extremely good news for me because I actually have an incentive to by more CD's now since this device make it a BREEZE to find what you are looking for OR just set it to a genre or make a playlist. No more stacks and stacks of cd's cluttering up things. It's a music lovers dream (with the bigger hard drive of course, but technically I suppose I'm only using 34GB).


Posted by: schofiel

Re: Another successful 120GB upgrade - 31/08/2002 09:37

Am I missing a trick? Can you point me to upgrade instructions?
Posted by: Jerz

Re: Another successful 120GB upgrade - 31/08/2002 12:31

Actually, I don't know if there is a place with formal instructions but the hardest part of the upgrade for me was finding the pressure points on the case once the screws were removed to get inside. I sort of removed the screws and grabbed a butter knife and screwdriver to pry the case apart. I believe (if I remember correctly) there were two pressure points on either side of the case to remove the case.

Once you get the case open just remove the hard drive I can't give you exact instruction but it really was not that difficult to figure out.

Next you simply put in your new drive (I used a 120gig) reassemble and turn on. Put in your cd that came with the unit and it'll ask you something along the lines of "restore as new?", select that and it'll set up the operating system.

It is definately not like a replay where you need special instructions or a special patch. It is very very simple.

I still haven't had any *real* problems.