Package installer progress

Posted by: geeknerd

Package installer progress - 29/12/2003 23:45

Ok, I'm on a quest to add a package installer to the Central, so I can easily install new software. I figure dpkg would be fine. Here's what I've figured out so far:

Make sure you use debian potato. Woody uses a different gcc version.

Here's the arm potato dist I found:


ar p dpkg_1.6.15.deb data.tar.gz > dpkg_1.6.15.tar.gz

I dropped that onto my ftp site and downloaded it onto the Central.

cd /
tar xvfz dpkg_1.6.15.tar.gz
echo "" > /var/lib/dpkg/available
echo "" > /var/lib/dpkg/status
PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin; export PATH

Now I get this wierd error from dpkg:
"dpkg not recorded as installed, cannot check for epoch support"

I'm giving up for today, but I'll be at it again tomorrow.
Posted by: geeknerd

Re: Package installer progress - 30/12/2003 23:57

Yow. Don't do what I listed. I toasted my partition. At least it gave me an excuse to open my central and put in the 120G HDD. Now I have to figure out how to move my tunes over from the old HDD.

I was poking around on the empeg BBS when I realized the two machines are fairly similar... They have a much better method of adding sshd, etc.

It basically consists of installing debian into a chrooted environment, and just running what you need from there.