Preinit v3

Posted by: oliver

Preinit v3 - 20/07/2002 00:21

Hi, I've downloaded the empeg-preinit v3 from
When i put a userland app into the /etc/preinit.d/ folder and name correctly, M01filename, i get the following errors.

/etc/preinit.d/M01empacman: /etc/preinit.d/M01empacman: cannot execute binary file
/etc/preinit.d/M02emptris: /etc/preinit.d/M02emptris: cannot execute binary file

Here is a ls -lsta on the preinit folder
empeg:/etc/preinit.d# ls -lsta i set everything to 755
total 93
1 drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 1024 Jul 18 09:33 .
29 -rwxr-xr-x 1 0 0 27728 Jul 18 09:31 M02emptris
62 -rwxr-xr-x 1 0 0 62143 Jul 18 09:27 M01empacman
1 drwxr-xr-x 4 0 0 1024 Jul 18 09:25 ..

What would be causing this, is this a known problem? or something my luck brought on

I also stated this within the empacman thread, but i didn't want to clog it up with junk.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Preinit v3 - 20/07/2002 01:10

I already answered this in the pacman thread, but in case somebody finds it later on, preinit scripts must be scripts. If you just want to start a binary executable, you need to write a one-liner to get it to start.