Would someone compile this C++ code for me ?

Posted by: jarob10

Would someone compile this C++ code for me ? - 27/12/2002 15:28

The only command line tagger I have been able to find for Windows is called Tag 2.0.34, located at http://www.ca5e.tk/

Unfortunately the binary for the program will not work on Windows XP, but the source code (presumably C++, but not sure) is provided at the same web site.

I downloaded a C++ compiler and had a go at trying to compile the source, but I got some compiler errors and I really have no idea how to start fixing them.

Would one of you good people be good enough to compile this source code for me, such that it will run on my Win XP box ?

There are a couple of lines in the main body of the code which need to be commented out - these provide FLAC / OGG / ID3v2 support which I dont need.

Many thanks,

Posted by: tman

Re: Would someone compile this C++ code for me ? - 27/12/2002 20:02

The help screen displays for me under XP. Haven't tried using it properly though. What does it do on yours?

Which C++ compiler did you use? It has to be one that has the Win32 libraries and header files.

- Trevor
Posted by: jarob10

Re: Would someone compile this C++ code for me ? - 28/12/2002 00:43

Just tried running the program again.

Seems to work ok now.

Thanks for the help just the same.