lrctool v1.0

Posted by: tonyc

lrctool v1.0 - 19/02/2003 23:15

You asked for it, you got it! lrctool v1.0 is now available on the emphatic section of my web site:

Scroll down to the "download" links. lrctool is now there instead of lrc2sylt.

lrctool is the new name for lrc2sylt, because it now does more than just LRC -> SYLT conversion. Windows only right now, a Linux version is possible in the future, but I'm not guaranteeing anything, since lrc2sylt does most of what we need. No public source code right now because it was written in a couple hours and it's really ugly.

Here's a summary of the usage:

To embed LRC files into your MP3's:

lrctool lrc2sylt [LRCfile] [MP3file]
EXAMPLE: "lrctool lrc2sylt song.lrc song.mp3"
[LRCfile] LRC format text file containing timed lyrics
[MP3file] the MP3 file to embed the lyrics into

To convert an MP3's Lyrics3 tag into a proper ID3v2 SYLT frame:

lrctool l32sylt [MP3file] [options]
EXAMPLE: "lrctool l32sylt mysong.mp3 13"
[MP3file] the MP3 file to be operated on
[options] one of the following values:
1 strip the ID3v1 tag
3 strip the Lyrics3 tag
13 strip both the ID3v1 and Lyrics3 tags
By default, ID3v1 and Lyrics3 tags will be left in the MP3, but you
can strip them by setting these options. It's a very good idea to
strip the Lyrics3 tag, and if you have an ID3v2 tag, you might as well
get rid of the ID3v1 tag, too.

To export SYLT lyrics to LRC text files (for sharing with others)

lrctool exportlrc [MP3file] [LRCfile]
EXAMPLE: "lrctool exportlrc song.mp3 song.lrc"
[MP3file] the MP3 file to read synced lyrics from (SYLT only)
[LRCfile] the output file where you want the text lyrics

No guarantees or warranties expressed or implied, so please test this out on some expendable MP3s before you go redoing your entire collection. The LRC export feature was just barely tested, so I'd like feedback on that as well.

Posted by: fink08

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 00:11

Just a little request. Can program a way to do a batch job. Like converting an entire directory? I guess i could just create a batch file to do this for myself but i was wondering if this could be added to the next release. Thanks.
Posted by: ricin

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 01:25

Nice. So who's going to write the first GUI front-end for batch processing, etc?
Posted by: andym

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 09:00

Okay, I mistook the lowercase L for an I and thought, WTF! Why does someone want an IRC client on their empeg!
Posted by: ricin

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 17:36

Since you've been mucking around with ID3 based software, is there any chance you might do a ID3 -> SQL tool for us? The hacked up version of mp3db I have is showing its age, and there aren't really any other decent programs out there that do this.
Posted by: Daria

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 18:20

The hard part of an id3 to sql tool would seem to be the schema on the sql side. A one-size-fits-all schema never does; I'm using something else I wrote myself.
Posted by: ricin

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 18:58

Very true. There is no standard, and people can never seem to agree. In that case, a readable config file with the schema then, maybe?
Posted by: tonyc

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 19:04

Um, I would have no use for an MP3 -> SQL, so it's not something I'd consider writing. What is it that you'd want to see that isn't already available in existing programs with the same purpose? I guess I'm confused as to what you want here...
Posted by: ricin

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 19:24

Yeah, it was just a thought. No point in writing something for free if you yourself will have no use for it.

The program I have currently (mp3db) will periodically mangle data from the v2 tags, or not pick them up at all. Many other little bugs like that are present, too. One thing I want is a switch to force verification of the tag, check for blank fields, etc, then allow the user to edit the info before it is inserted into the db (or the .sql file - as it may be), and save the changes back into the mp3.

Anyway, I'll have to look into writing my own eventually.
Posted by: Daria

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 19:29

If I get bored I will clean mine up to use perl instead of parsing output from the id3v2 program, and release.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 19:35

Anyway, I'll have to look into writing my own eventually.

After you finish a certain web site, no?

BTW anyone actually used this thing yet? I'd like to at least know it works, it was coded in like an hour and a half.
Posted by: ricin

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 19:52

After you finish a certain web site, no?

Yes. I keep getting side tracked, and since I don't have a permanent job at the moment any little contracts that come up I go immediately into without hesitation. Money = Good.
Posted by: xanatos

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 21:09

BTW anyone actually used this thing yet? I'd like to at least know it works, it was coded in like an hour and a half.

Yeah I've used it.

2 albums lyriced...

29 albums and 10000 mp3's to go

*shoots self*

I think I'll just do my owned albums at this rate
Posted by: fink08

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 20/02/2003 22:01

I used it to and it works fine. Just gotta find a way to do all my songs at once now.
Posted by: fink08

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 25/02/2003 13:27

does anyone know a way i can use lrctool to run a batch job?
Posted by: TheAmigo

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 25/02/2003 16:13

On Linux, you can run my Batch tool.

It's in Perl, so if you're on Windows, you're welcome to modify the code. It won't run as-is on Windows because it uses the unix "find" command... maybe with cygwin, I didn't try.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 25/02/2003 16:23

For future reference, you can make scripts like this more portable if you use the File::Find Perl module. If you do that, I can use perl2exe and post a Windows binary for everybody.
Posted by: fink08

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 25/02/2003 18:01

Oh, would anyone like to help out this linux semi-noob cause atm i don't have a machine with linux on it and i don;t know anything about reprogramming a perl batch program
Posted by: tonyc

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 25/02/2003 18:04

Well if everyone can be patient for a week or three, I'm working the issue of not having any easy way to get lyrics into your MP3's, and also evaluating the possibility of just using LRC files directly. If the existing tools are too much of a hassle or you don't feel confident working with what we have so far, give me (and those who are helping out) time to work some magic.
Posted by: TheAmigo

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 25/02/2003 18:31

I don't know how hard this is, but WinZip makes it so you can drop other files on a .zip and it will add them. Would it be possible to drop an lrc on an mp3 and have it run lrctool? I could see it interfering with other mp3 extensions and maybe not working right. That'd be easier than typing the names, but still a lot of D&D tedium.

Maybe I'll give File::Find a try and see how that approach goes.
Posted by: fink08

Re: lrctool v1.0 - 25/02/2003 20:56

Thanks yn0t_ I have nothing but time. Your the best and your work is greatly appreciated.