Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 19/03/2003 15:40

I installed Jemplode on my xP machine today (had always been using it on my Win2K install prior) and everytime I exit the program, I get a blue screen and reboot. It happens with the "official" and with the "44" release. At first, I thought it was my PCillian anti-virus software because it always becomes active when pages that run Java are loaded, but closing that program prior to starting Jemplode did not fix it.

Any ideas? Jemplode runs flawless on my other machine, so maybe it's something related to my computer?
Posted by: Chuck

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 20/03/2003 08:42

Do you have an ATI video card installed perhaps? My self and, I think it was loren, were experiencing the same thing and it was caused by the ATI video drivers.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 20/03/2003 14:43


When my system recovered, Windows XP said it was related to the ATI driver and that a more up to date one was available. But when I go to Sony's web site (I have a Sony VIAO PCG-GRX560) only the standard driver is available. Being a notebook, I'm leary of putting just any 'ol driver on it. The ATI site says "contact your computer's manufacturer".

I'll see what I can dig up. I didn't really trust XP's auto-diagnosis but I guess I was quick to judge!

Posted by: tms13

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 21/03/2003 04:30

The workaround is -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false on your java command-line.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 21/03/2003 06:01

... did i mention there's nothing cooler than entering a thread about a bug in your software only to find that somebody else solved the problem?
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 21/03/2003 10:57

Toby, that link is blocked... how do I emply this?
Posted by: tms13

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 21/03/2003 11:22

Hmm, that link worked an hour or so ago.

The summary is, in the command line which you use to start JEmplode, add "-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false" after the command name "java".

/me goes and looks at the script I use to run JEmplode.

Ah, it's complicated, because Mike ships a long script that runs JEmplode. Now I think of it, I recall spending hours hacking at it to make it work. I think you can get it working by setting the environment variable "options" to "-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false" in the command's environment, like "options=-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false jemplode" (if you would normally type "jemplode" to run it), or equivalently, add a line "lax.nl.java.option.additional=-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false" (without the quotes, of course) to the JEmplode.lax file in JEmplode's install directory (e.g. for me, it's /usr/local/JEmplode_2.0/JEmplode.lax).

If you're on a non-Unix platform (which you must be, to be seeing a Windows driver bug), I'd recommend the latter.

Caveat: I haven't tested this (and can't, without buying an OS I don't want!).
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 21/03/2003 13:23

If you are running the .exe version of jEmplode, you should be able to add "sun.java2d.d3d=false" into the jEmplode.lax file in the same directory. If you are running the executable jar, you'll have to make a batch file that calls "java -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -jar jemplode.jar"

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 22/03/2003 14:13

Looks like this maybe beyond my knowledge of these things... is ths something I can do by opening that file in notepad and adding the line? Or maybe you could put this in and have an "ATI Fix" for download?
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 22/03/2003 14:39

you can just add that line in notepad ...
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Exiting Jemplode = Blue Screen in XP - 31/03/2003 18:09

Adding that line to the very end fixed it! Thanks