Editing web pages on the empeg

Posted by: steel25

Editing web pages on the empeg - 06/08/2003 14:45

I would like to edit the default page of html on the empeg with some instruction b/c people on my network keep pressing play and changing the song on me. Can anyone give me a little direction. I got into the machine, but this ain't a default redhat install so i am lost!!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 06/08/2003 15:08

If you are using the CharcoalGray99 web interface, you can edit the pages just like you would edit any other web page (i.e., modify the files on your local hard disk, then FTP them to the player when the edits are done).

If you don't know how to edit HTML code, then you should bone up on your HTML coding. There are books available on the topic...

But it sounds like what you really want is to block other people from reaching your empeg across the network. In that case, just password-protect it. That's a feature of Hijack if I recall correctly. Look in the Hijack FAQ and see how it's done.
Posted by: steel25

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 06/08/2003 15:14

no i can edit html just fine, i just don't know where they reside on the player itself.

I don't want to limit acces, just educate people on what not to click on!
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 06/08/2003 15:17

I think what he really wants is something I've been meaning to create for quite a while. We need an empeg web interface for dummies which only allows insert/append and doesn't have all those interesting mounting commands and such.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 06/08/2003 15:20

no i can edit html just fine, i just don't know where they reside on the player itself.
Okay, then take a look at the loose files of CharcoalGray99's web interface before you upload them to the player.

(You had to upload those files yourself in the first place, so you have to know where they are.)

If you didn't use CharcoalGray99's web interface, then you can't edit them because they aren't files, they're dynamically generated pages in Hijack. So use CharcoalGray's pages instead.

And to be truthful, even with CharcoalGray's pages in place, there are ways to get around them and get back to the raw Hijack pages, as well as how to get to the FTP site, so if your cow-orkers are the malicious types you might want to secure the player anyhow.
Posted by: steel25

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 06/08/2003 15:28

well i secured ftp already, that was the first thing i did, but i want to give the guys web access so they can stream or download, just don't want to have people clickin play and changin the songs while i am listening to them.
I need a line that reads "if you click play i will hunt you down and kill you!!" j/k
where do i find charcoal's web interface?
Posted by: dalewoodian

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 07/08/2003 00:39

You can find it here http://427.org/empeg/
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 07/08/2003 05:37

I would worry more about them marking the file system read/write without you knowing about it!!!
Posted by: mlord

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 07/08/2003 05:52

well i secured ftp already, that was the first thing i did, but i want to give the guys web access so they can stream or download, just don't want to have people clickin play and changin the songs while i am listening to them.

Not meaning to sound like a broken record here, but consult the Hijack FAQ -- it has features to do exactly what you want: allow streaming/downloads while preventing direct commands to the player itself.

Posted by: steel25

Re: Editing web pages on the empeg - 07/08/2003 07:46

Even if i want to send commands to the player remotely but i don't want anyone else to? Come one man, i am lazy and i want to have my cake and eat it too!!