FM MONO/STEREO is possible........

Posted by: NT2OOO

FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 12:54

from /empeg/lib/lang/en_UK.msgso (opened with an Hex editor):

many options are in menu but they are not visible..... why???
Posted by: tman

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 13:09

The extra labels in that file are there because it's for features that were planned and never implemented or features that didn't work properly and so were disabled. They don't do anything apart from being a curiosity.
Posted by: NT2OOO

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 13:11

but never implemented? will be in V3 or V4?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 13:12

Those labels might not even be menus. Maybe they're function names?
Posted by: tman

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 13:13

They don't look like function names but they could be debugging strings tho
Posted by: tman

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 13:14

No idea. We'll just have to wait and see what the empeg team will do.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 13:15

They're from the msg file, which means they're display strings. Otherwise, they wouldn't need to be l10n'd.
Posted by: mlord

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 16:45

I was thinking of adding Hijack menu items for two features:

Mono/Stereo (FM), and
Local/Regular reception gain.

EDIT: I don't think FM Mono/Stereo is possible in the tuner module (maybe in the DSP though), but LO/DX is surely possible. Quick and easy to stuff into Hijack, but might require a player restart to activate changes immediately unless I do more work.

Anyone interested?

Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 17:21

Posted by: NT2OOO

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 03/12/2003 20:17

yes i'm!
Posted by: larry818

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 04/12/2003 09:50

I listen to the radio about 50% of the time, and one feature that would save the empeg's place of honor in the dash is to eliminate the signal strength based audio attenuation. In hilly southern California here, the auto-attenuate wraps the worst feature of AM into FM. Even worse, because if I'm stopped somewhere that the signal strength is bouncing between two levels, the audio level bounces along with it.

I have planned to replace the empeg with a Sony head unit and put the empeg in the glove box, because of this one issue. I have the Sony already, but haven't had time to make the switch. It would be great if a fix for this came along...

Mono mode would be great too, but that's not generally a feature of car stereos, so I didn't expect it.

Lately I've not been so motivated to make the switch because my 6 month old baby likes one song only, and it keeps her quiet in the car. I've got the nicest and most advanced car stereo ever made, and it's set to play one song forever.... 60gb hard drive... One song....
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 04/12/2003 13:29

im curious, what song is it?
Posted by: larry818

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 06/12/2003 04:50

I think the english translation would be "four men", it's by a Taiwanese singer named Ah Liang. It's kinda rap sounding, but grows on ya after a couple hundred playings. Like a wart...
Posted by: image

Re: FM MONO/STEREO is possible........ - 07/12/2003 01:20

because my 6 month old baby likes one song only
at first glance, i was thinking that you were referring to your empeg liking only one song, and thats the only song that doesn't sound bad w/ alternator whine =). man, i really gotta stop thinking that my empeg is more than a piece of electronics