Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed

Posted by: mlord

Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 21/02/2004 17:14

Hijack v378 is out.

Two changes:

(1) the config.ini option for time_offset=xxx has been removed, which means some people will get a config.ini error at startup until they remove the use of this defunct option from config.ini.

(2) Hijack now calculates the correct (?) time_offset (for the Hijack clock feature) directly from the zoneinfo data for the currently selected player timezone setting.

Posted by: newguy1

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 21/02/2004 21:08

Don't know if it is related but I upgraded hijack thru jemplode and now I cant synchronize with emplode or jemplode. It fails while checking media.I have been uploading tunes all afternoon and saw this thread about the time zone problem so thats why I upgraded.Good news is it fixed the timezone problem.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 22/02/2004 00:32

It fails while checking media.
It is unlikely to be related to Hijack. Please click here .
Posted by: newguy1

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 22/02/2004 10:17

It does'nt actually freeze while checking disk integrity.The error code is 0xc0041010 if that helps.I did have the system check disabled with hijack.I only have the one 30gb drive.

Edit I just tried an older version 301 of hijack and it synchs ok.Then i installed 378 and wouldn't synch correctly.
Posted by: newguy1

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 23/02/2004 21:18

Ok I think I found the not synching reason.The player has v2.0b13 software but the newer hijacks only work with v2 final.So I upgraded the player to v2 final and then to the latest hijack 378 and it works.
If I want to keep b13 on the player which version of hijack can I use and where do I get it?
Posted by: mlord

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 23/02/2004 22:50

I dunno about that.. not that I'd want to use beta13 when v2final is available, but Hijack should work just fine with either version.

Posted by: newguy1

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 24/02/2004 21:23

Mark,you're right.I installed b13 back on the player along with v378 and it works.What i'm thinking now is that i had Emphatic installed with the original b13 and that it was conflicting with v378.Emphatic worked with v360.It got removed when I upgraded to 2 final and thats why I thought hijack 378 would only work with 2 final.
I haven't tried installing emphatic yet back on the player with v2 final and hj378 to verify this.Anyone else have this setup with emphatic, version2 and hijack 378?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 24/02/2004 21:35

If you were running emphatic and you couldn't synch, that's a known problem that has nothing to do with the version of hijack or the version of emphatic.

The problem is because, if you leave emphatic running and try to synch, the player will be unable to remount the disk drives because emphatic is using the song files and the disk cannot be unlocked. To prevent this from happening, you must run emphatic in DC mode only.

Note that you have probably messed up your drives and they are now in need of a manual FSCK per the FAQ.
Posted by: newguy1

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 24/02/2004 21:42

I haven't noticed any problems now.The player synchs and plays fine.Would I notice anything if my drive was messed up?
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 24/02/2004 21:54

The problem is because, if you leave emphatic running and try to synch, the player will be unable to remount the disk drives because emphatic is using the song files and the disk cannot be unlocked. To prevent this from happening, you must run emphatic in DC mode only.
The first couple versions of emphatic kept files open. v1.10 doesn't, and I had no problems syncing with it running (albeit not in the foreground state when I started the sync.) I don't run it from my music drive, though, and many people do, so maybe that's the difference.

Anyway, I would recommend using a ;@HOME/;@WORK tag instead of ;@AC/;@DC for those who think it's interfering with their syncs but still want to use it in AC mode.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack v378: time_offset=xxx removed - 24/02/2004 21:59

Would I notice anything if my drive was messed up?
Yes. this would happen.