Problems downloading from jemplode

Posted by: frekin

Problems downloading from jemplode - 29/12/2004 02:35

I cannot seem to get any files to download from the latest version of jemplode. I just successfully added a new hard drive to my MkIIa. Afterward, I added the newest Hijack and tried everything out. I can connect via ftp (currently everything is set to the defaults), access the Charcoalgray interface, and download files properly using Rio emplode. Unfortunately, I would like to download all my playlists and files with the directory structure intact. When I attempt to download using jemplode, I always receive the following message:

Unable to get an input stream onto the requested FID.

It correctly creates the required directories,and fills them with files which have the correct names, but all the files have 0 length.

Can anyone help me troubleshoot this? Is there another program I can use to backup/sychronize all my playlists with another computer?
Posted by: frekin

Re: Problems downloading from jemplode - 29/12/2004 02:54

Ok...I solved the problem about 5 minutes after my post. It refuses to download if I have "Use Hijack when Possible" enabled in the Options window. Once I disabled that option, the downloads completed properly. If anyone has an explanation for this behavior, I would appreciate it.

One other question: can someone point me to a list of fields I can enter in the "Filename Format" box at the top of the options window? I currently have "{artist} - {album} - {track} - {title}{ext}", but I would like to put the track number in the filename. If possible, I would also like leading zeros before track numbers <10.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Problems downloading from jemplode - 29/12/2004 04:40

"{artist} - {album} - {track} - {title}{ext}"

Your problem is the {track} part. It should be {tracknr:2} in order to be track number padded to two digits (leading zeroes on tracks <10).
Posted by: frekin

Re: Problems downloading from jemplode - 29/12/2004 07:04

Thanks for the help.
Posted by: jdandrea

Re: Problems downloading from jemplode - 31/12/2004 04:02

Ok...I solved the problem about 5 minutes after my post. It refuses to download if I have "Use Hijack when Possible" enabled in the Options window. Once I disabled that option, the downloads completed properly. If anyone has an explanation for this behavior, I would appreciate it.

I had the exact same problem today. As soon as I unchecked "Use Hijack When Possible" downloads worked just fine.

Now to figure out why I can't get Hijack to autoupdate via Emplode!