Empeg to Nokia interface

Posted by: Wire

Empeg to Nokia interface - 25/09/2000 02:49


My empeg unit just arrived at home, can't wait to get the box opened!

I have a Nokia 6150 in a handsfree installation in the car. It must be possible to connect the empeg and the phone in a more intelligent way than just the mute-wire.

I was thinking along the lines of the empeg registrering the mute-wire, and when theres a signal it quits the player and starts the phone-application.

The phone app could display who's calling on the empeg screen.

Also there could be a possibility of a phone-book etc.etc.

The best part would of couse be, that the phone itself can be tucked completely away, so the car isnt inviting for burglars.

If I understand it right, there is a serial-interface available on the back of the car-dock, right?

Also I found some software at http://www.gnokii.org/ which might prove usefull.

Just some quick thoughts.
