Button handling when the player app isn't running

Posted by: Andre81

Button handling when the player app isn't running - 04/09/2005 13:15

When i (q)uit the player app and start my own app from the bash the hijack screen and button handling doesn't work any longer.

I'm now using mmap to access the screen but i don't know how i can get button events because EMPEG_HIJACK_BINDBUTTONS doesn't work.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Button handling when the player app isn't running - 04/09/2005 14:20

The "Hijack" stuff is called "Hijack" because it works by "hijacking" the player's screen and button paths. When the player is not running, some "Hijack" features also stop working.

That's probably one of them.

Posted by: Andre81

Re: Button handling when the player app isn't running - 04/09/2005 15:41

I understand that and the intention of my post was not to say Hijack doesn't work, i just would like to know how i can capture button events without hijack.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Button handling when the player app isn't running - 04/09/2005 17:40

how i can capture button events without hijack.

open("/dev/ir", O_RDONLY);