PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it)

Posted by: tigloo

PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 11:38

Hi all,

sorry it took so long, but here is the binary 4.0.6 of PHP for the Empeg. Version 4.0.7 will have a new socket API and as I wanted to do mostly socket programming, I thought I'd post a 4.0.7dev image.

However, the 4.0.7dev socket API is buggy and I wasn't able to fix it in a reasonable time.

The zip contains _only_ the PHP binary, you will need a php.ini in /usr/local/lib to tune it. Also, I did not include the PEAR code as this is currently rarely used (and people that use it can easily grab a new copy from CVS).

If you don't have a php.ini and don't know how to get one, this is the latest version from the PHP CVS. To download the file, use this link.

Put the PHP binary into /usr/local/bin or whatever is appropriate for you.


Posted by: tigloo

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 11:43

Hmm... something must've went wrong with the file attachment. Retrying here.


Posted by: tigloo

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 11:44

Help! How do I attach the files? It is uploading but not storing it. Damn. What do I do wrong?

Till (blushing)

Posted by: tfabris

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 12:06

If the file is bigger than 100,000 bytes, that would be the problem.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tigloo

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 12:29

No, it is 842kb (861.774 bytes). Maybe the actual limit is lower?


Posted by: tfabris

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 12:37

Hmm. There could be a problem with your browser or firewall that's preventing the attachment.

Or it could be something as simple as you need to zip the file before you upload it.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tigloo

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 13:31

It is already a zip, my browser is Internet Explorer 5.something and HTTP uploads are standard communication via port 80 so the firewall won't interfere.

It is uploading the file, just after having finished the upload, it doesn't show up in the post. I suspect it is something server-side.


Posted by: tfabris

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 13:45

I suspect it is something server-side.

Okay, I'm going to attach a file to this message and if it works OK, then it's not something server side.

and HTTP uploads are standard communication via port 80 so the firewall won't interfere.

As long as you're sure that you can do HTTP uploads to other sites. Have you tested this?

Tony Fabris
Posted by: anti

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 13:54

"No, it is 842kb (861.774 bytes). Maybe the actual limit is lower?"

My last math lesson was a while ago,
but 861.774 seems to be a bit more than 100.000 ...

Or did I misunderstand something ?

MKII 08000073 12GB BLUE
Posted by: bmiller

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 14:39

Nothing is wrong with your math skills, just your reading comprehension.
No spite intended.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 14:44

Heh, I didn't even check Tigloo's number. I just assumed that if I said the file size limit was 100,000, and he said it was under that size, that he knew what he was talking about.

Yeah, um, Tigloo, the file is 8 times too big.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tigloo

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 18:10


I was not able to count then, I thought it was 1000000 (1.000.000) bytes.

Well duh. Will have to refer to Sven then. :)


Posted by: smu

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 27/08/2001 23:57


The file is now available as


proud MkII owner (12GB blue/green/smoked, was #080000113 is #090001010)
Posted by: ricin

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 16/03/2003 16:23

Digging up an old thread here. Is there any chance someone could compile version >= 4.3.0?
Posted by: ajayrockrock

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 16/03/2003 22:39

weird, i never knew that someone was able to port PHP to the empeg? Does anyone know how to get this thing working with Hijack's webserver?

Posted by: alex25

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 18/03/2003 00:51

Hi I just compiled the lastest version of php (version 4.3.1) on my empeg.
The binaries can be downloaded from
Just unpack it and set the library path:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/phptest (adapt directory)

Run the testscript by calling:
./php test.php

Maybe some library are missing. If so please send a reply to this message.
I compiled it with the default settings plus mysql support.
It should work in the normal empeg environment.

I'm running a complete debian chroot installation on my empeg since last october. The webserver you download the above files from are running on my backup empeg. (Apache + PHP 4.1.x) [There is no stable debian package for PHP 4.3 at the moment]
Posted by: alex25

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 19/03/2003 00:55

An additional note:
The binaries in the package is the php cli version [command line interpreter] which runs without a webserver.
The correct download address is: (without the dot at the end, as in the previous post)

I'm on holiday for two weeks starting this friday. During this time I'll shut down my internet infrastructur at home (including my empeg), so you won't be able to download.
Posted by: ricin

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 19/03/2003 12:29

Killer. That's exactly what I wanted. Although, could you enable the XML, XLST and WDDX stuff, please?
Posted by: alex25

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 19/03/2003 12:32

Do you know which compile options that I have to set?
If so I'll do it for you.
Posted by: ricin

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 19/03/2003 17:04


--with-xml --with-dom --enable-xslt --with-xslt-sablot --enable-wddx

That's what I'd like to have in there.

And if you can:

--with-readline --with-gettext --with-openssl --with-ttf --with-gd

Posted by: alex25

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 20/03/2003 00:16


Sorry I've to disappoint you for the moment.
I first have to install more packages. Sabloton for the first version, zlib for the second one.
At the moment I'm not able to update my distribution because there is a debian package dependency error between libc and php4. This is mentioned in different debian forums and should be fixed the following days.

The other reason is that I'm on holiday for two weeks by tomorrow. After it I'll try it again.

Only out of curiosity: What are you try to do with the php on the empeg?
Posted by: mcomb

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 20/03/2003 01:33

Only out of curiosity: What are you try to do with the php on the empeg?

Not to mention XML, SSL and GD? Why not throw in mysql while your at it ;-)
Posted by: alex25

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 20/03/2003 02:14

I'm currently running a mysql db on my empeg. Queries over small tables are very fast.
The php version I provide to download a the moment has mysql support compiled in. But it's useless if you don't have a mysql server running. :-)

Other services running on my empeg: Apache 1.3.26, PHP4, dyndns Client, Webmin, ...

The hole system has only 16MB of RAM and a bunch of swap space (256MB I think). So I'm very surprised that it is working at all.
Posted by: ricin

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 20/03/2003 02:41

No worries. The wait is no problem, I'm just happy to get it at all. Thanks!

As for what I'm going to be doing with it, I'm not sure yet. I have some ideas I'd just like to play around with. <shrug>

Right now the main reason to get it on there is "Just Because" or "Why Not?"
Posted by: rowitech

Re: PHP 4.0.6 binary for Empeg (this is it) - 24/03/2003 05:43

Woow, PHP on my empeg. This rocks!
Is there a way to display something at the empeg's display via a php-script?

Posted by: alex25

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 18/04/2003 15:17

My empeg is back online!

I had serveral problems with my debian installation on the empeg in the last two weeks. The cause was the introduction of the new libc (version 2.3.1) in the testing debian release. (The one I'm running on the empeg)
Now everything is working again, including the new libc and the new gcc compiler! I had to made some minor changes in the kernel.

But neverless the php version I provide should still run on the default empeg player.
I have to deliver some more libraries in my download file now. Maybe some libraries are still missing, but at least the test script runs.

Just unzip all the files in one folder and start the php (cli version) with the following two command lines:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/drive0/php
/drive0/php/ /drive0/php/php < test.php [Adapt your path in both lines!]

Version 1: (--with-xml --enable-xslt --with-xslt-sablot --enable-wddx)

Version 2: (--with-readline --with-gettext --with-openssl --with-ttf --with-gd)
follows later (if needed)

First version: (compiled with no special options, but mysql support)
Posted by: ricin

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 18/04/2003 23:49

Killer! I still haven't quite decided what to do, but I have some ideas. BTW, this new version still contains MySQL support, correct?

Thanks again!
Posted by: alex25

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 21/04/2003 11:29

The last version was without mysql support.

I just compiled a new version with mysql support.
compile arguments I used in this version: --with-mysql --with-xml --enable-xslt --with-xslt-sabblot --enable-wddx

Download at:
Posted by: arvind_bk

Re: PHP 4.3.1 on empeg - 21/04/2003 17:46

To run PHP, what else should be installed on my RioCar? I have fully loaded Debian chrooted environment. Apache is not working though!
