Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question

Posted by: jheathco

Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 02/01/2002 17:43

Is there a cross-compiler for win32? I have a few shell accounts, but there quotas aren't big enough to allow the linux dev kit to go on there, and I don't have direct access to any linux boxes. I'd like to screw around writing some programs, but it's kinda difficult if I don't have a compiler

By the way, with hijack, could there be a way to add plugins or extensions so to speak. That way, if someone coded a nifty new little feature, instead of having to mod the kernel to incorporate it, hijack could just read it and add it as a menu option? I guess this could be done by creating a directory for each mod, and maybe putting in the directory the executable, some data file that has information about it (what menun option to display, etc.), and all other necessary files.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 02/01/2002 17:50

Is there a cross-compiler for win32?

I've asked this question before. The answer is, as far as I can tell: No.

In your case, there are a couple of options: You can install something like VMWare and have a linux box running in a window on your Windows desktop, or vice-versa. Or you can dual-boot Windows and Linux.

By the way, with hijack, could there be a way to add plugins or extensions so to speak.

That's exactly what he's talking about when he refers to "Userland applications". It's in there.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 02/01/2002 19:13

By the way, with hijack, could there be a way to add plugins or extensions so to speak.

I believe I'm the author of the first such "extension" you speak of. I wrote a little trivia game which binds to the hijack menu. It's raw and it's slow but it works. I'm also working on (very slowly) a lyrics scroller, but the lack of a fast graphics library has put the kaibosh on that project.

Do you have any good ideas? By all means, take a look at the Hijack source patch and there's an example of how to write the most rudimentary application to bind to the user menu. Once you get a cross-compiler, that is :)
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 02/01/2002 22:49

There are ARM cross-compilers that will run in win32. I don't have any download links right now, but I know they exist.

You can also run cygwin (available at RedHat's site) to give yourself a linux environment in win32 and then install gcc and see if you can get the needed cross-compiling support.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 00:11

You can also run cygwin (available at RedHat's site) to give yourself a linux environment in win32...
Whoa, there, good buddy! Cygwin does nothing of the sort. It provides some common tools that are most often associated with Unix environments, and it provides some POSIX APIs under Win32, but it is hardly a Linux environment. I'm sure that that's not really what you meant, but I just wanted to clarify for the less enlightened, so that they wouldn't think that they could download Cygwin and that would be Linux. There's enough confusion already with people thinking that Linux == RedHat.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 00:15

I was just thinking that you could try using Monkey Linux. It doesn't require that you repartition your hard drive or anything. You just have to create a C:\LINUX directory where the entirety of the Linux installation will exist. I don't know that it will be featureful enough to run an ARM cross-compiler, but it might be.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 00:32

Sorry, he was asking for a shell and I should have said it give you some common linux tools, including bash, csh, tcsh, etc. And you can run gcc under it. And would hopefully be able to get ARM cross-compiling support.

People have set up ARM dev environments for hacking around on Nintendo GBA and other platforms.

For an actual OS, you can also dual-boot some linux distribution and Win2K, etc. You'd still need to set up with an ARM-capable compiler though.

Posted by: peter

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 05:57

And would hopefully be able to get ARM cross-compiling support.

I did get it working once, but there was some faffing about with CRLF's (use TextPad to get rid of them).

See attached Makefile.

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 09:20

I've been using Textpad for plaintext on Windows for 5 years. :) Nothing compares (though it still has its minor quirks). At one point I also had LF-only as my default save method (Nearly 100% of all my initial text files were from the Amiga and unix).

I'm using cygwin right now to play around with - you can use its shell to just move around and work on your windows files if you like. I'm also using gcc, but without a cross-compiler.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 12:05

I used Textpad for quite a while until I found that Vim was available for Win32. I've not used another text editor since.
Posted by: Fastrack

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 12:20

UltraEdit I believe also has a feature to remove windows CRLF's (or an option to convert to UNIX format, which removes them). And it's a HEX editor as well!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 12:56

Uh oh, looks like we have to get into an UltraEdit versus TextPad war now.
Posted by: jheathco

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 13:12

EditPlus any day of the week. Provides built-in FTP uploading support. Great for web developers
Posted by: Fastrack

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 13:25

No war here, cause I know UltraEdit is the best.. hehe j/k. I haven't used the other one mentioned
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 14:28

And here I was trying to foment a vi vs. emacs war.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 14:48

Provides built-in FTP uploading support. Great for web developers

Personally, I use CVS over SSH. But, then, I'm not a professional web designer. I do, however, have a hobby of doing twisted things with SSH -- like uploading tunes from home to my empeg while it was sat on my desk at work .

And everyone knows that the one true editor is ed(1) anyway .
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 16:34

Ehh -- any editing your really need to do you can do with dd anyway. I wish I could find that old dd/sh editor someone wrote a few years back. Brilliant.
Posted by: jheathco

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 19:15

If anyone ever has a good building environment (such as a shell to compile) or detailed instructions on how to install gcc or another compiler on the emper or win32 to allow cross-compiling, let me know. For now, though, I think I'm too inexperienced with the unix environment to set all this up.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 20:54

I looked at Ultraedit back when Textpad was still at version 2.something. I used to use PFE (Prgrammer's File Editor) anyone remember that? Anyone remember CygnusEd for the Amiga?

Anyway, I hope UltraEdit has changed as much as TextPad has. It may very well be great, but TextPad does everything I need it to do, minus its regular quirks (like showing the horizontal scroll bar even when it's not needed and like most other software, allowing you to scroll the text right off the top of the screen when you reach the bottom of the file and continue to flick the scroll wheel on your mouse).

How about Hex? I prefer Hex Workshop to everything else I've seen.

How about Graphics? ACDSee has no equal. Have been using all of these since 1995 when some were in their infancy. Helped get a bunch of features into both TP and ACDSee (even provided David Hooper at ACD with source code for IFF :)

I've been out of the new software loop for a long time though. Audiograbber is the latest thing I searched around for.

Posted by: jdandrea

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 22:32

Hmm. Would this post provide any help?

CrossGCC may also shed some light.

For a moment I was all set to point you to KDevelop but - wait, that's not for Win32.

Hey, if you want to program in Forth ... !

Truth be told, I'm in the same boat as you so I'll be looking as well, at least until I get Linux/SPARC installed here. Then the fun really begins. Whee ...
Posted by: jheathco

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 03/01/2002 23:47

Well, I saw <- that, and tried installing it and such, but it's just too complicated for what I know about unix environments (ignoring the fact that it might not work no matter what I knew).
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 04/01/2002 00:23

CygusEd rocked.

Posted by: jdandrea

Re: Developing on a win32 box / quick hijack question - 04/01/2002 13:12

Ooh, that looks nice. The FAQ has step-by-step instructions (so they say!). No luck though? Hmm.

Well then, yeah, this is a doozie.