Online compiler would be neat...

Posted by: jheathco

Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 02:40

Would be neat if someone could write a little script (PHP would be easy, I'm sure many other languages would be too) to take input a .c file and compile it for ARM, and then spit a compiled file back at the user. This could be done on any machine with support to compile for ARM, since many of us can't do it. I'd be willing to code the PHP script if someone with an ARM compiler could host it.
Posted by: rob

Re: Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 06:23

Given that GCC compiles for ARM, there can't be many platforms that DON'T have a suitable compiler.

Posted by: mlord

Re: Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 09:58

Okay, just for fun.. send me such a script.

Posted by: jheathco

Re: Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 12:34

Rob, that's true, but there's a few problems with that. One, many of us don't have access, or if we have access, don't have the ability to install an ARM cross-compiler on a linux machine. Secondly, I'm sure most of us are running Windows, and no one here has posted (from what I've seen) that they have successfully gotten an ARM compiler working on that OS, with Cygwin or without.
Posted by: jheathco

Re: Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 17:23

OK, well I've made a PHP script (very small) and an HTML file that will allow a user to visit the site, upload a .C file, which will be compiled and a binary will be spit back at the user. Now, all we need is someone to host these two files on a machine with PHP and an arm-compiler and we're all set. mlord would have done it but his box is too slow to build a cross-compiler.

Anyone up for it? I assume if we got this going, we'd have a lot more people developing as a compiler would be easy to get access to.
Posted by: CommOri

Re: Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 18:05

This online compiler is a GREAT idea.

I know from past experience that there are commercial ARM compilers for Windows, but they're not consumer level at $1500 or more and I can't stand the idea of running a Linux box just to have access to a compiler.

I'd do this myself, I have about 7 or 8 fast machines, but I just moved and no longer have DSL.

I *do* have a host in Silicon Valley on a fast connection. No guarantee on how long it will be up, though. We could potentially use it for testing and to get some sort of setup procedure in place.

I wouldn't mind opening up a directory for this purpose as long as the hits and processor time don't go through the roof.

Let me know.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 18:13

I'm not aware of any reason that it wouldn't be possible for an ARM gcc cross-compiler to be built under Win32 using Cygwin. I personally can't do it because I'm actually running out of disk space. I'll try to clear some space and give it a shot, though. But someone else should try, too.
Posted by: jheathco

Re: Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 18:24

I've tried the cygwin option... I compiled gcc and binutils fine.. when I tried to compile a .c file, it gave me an error about not finding crt0.o. I tried creating one using arm-elf-as on arm7.s, and that seemed to work, but now I get this error:

$ arm-elf-gcc test2.c
/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/arm-elf/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I think I'm over spending hours trying to get this to work. Let's go the online compiler way... contact me on AIM at heathco98 or ICQ at 43405666
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Online compiler would be neat... - 04/01/2002 20:26

You didn't check out any of the GBA developer sites I talked about did you?

Bruno (ok, I didn't actually mention the URLs before... )

Page listing ARM compiler stuff at

Now, these guys are into Gameboy Advance development. A lot of guys write only for Thumb, so you'll see a lot of discussion for that as well. I'm not sure if you will need any additional files for the SA1000 over what seems to be widely talked about and linked.

You also be surprised what you can find by typing stuff like "arm gcc windows" etc. into google.