empegVNC-0.7 released

Posted by: wfaulk

empegVNC-0.7 released - 31/01/2002 19:55

empegVNC-0.7 has been released. (It's now at a slightly different URL.)

New features include the ability to display and control Hijack menus. You can even reboot the system if you want, but unless you have my empeg-preinit, or something similar, configured to start it on boot, it won't automatically restart the VNC server. You can also jump back and forth between the Hijack control and the Hijack-bypass modes by pressing `h'.

Also, the knob now supports clicking on the left and right sides of the outer ring of the knob to simulate single clicks of the knob. Clicking on the inner circle of the knob still presses the knob.

And I fixed the problem that required the Unix client to specify raw encoding. It still needs to specify BGR233 pixel format, though.

Have fun!
Posted by: ellweber

Re: empegVNC-0.7 released - 02/02/2002 09:54

Could you briefly describe how to configure empeg_preinit. I would like to use it to start your VNC server on boot but the procedure is not clear to me!

Also, I found that I had to go into the Empeg and set it to rw before empeg_preinit would load.


Posted by: wfaulk

Re: empegVNC-0.7 released - 02/02/2002 11:27

I'm not totally sure what you mean by ``set it to rw'', but if you meant that you had to set it executable, you're right. That'll be fixed in the distro shortly.

Secondly, all that you need to do in order to make something start on boot is place a shell script in /etc/preinit.d that starts it. It's intended for program distributors to include that script, but no one, including me, has done it yet. I also want to make an installer program, which will make all of this totally painless. However, to answer your question, put a script with any name (empegVNC makes sense) in /etc/preinit.d that looks something like this:

It need not be executable. Make sure, though, that you have a recent version of empegVNC, otherwise, this will block and prevent the empeg from booting.
Posted by: ellweber

Re: empegVNC-0.7 released - 02/02/2002 11:35

Thanks for the response. The first time I tried to ftp using install.ftp I received a "failed" message twice. I then went into the Empeg shell and set "rw" and when I tried again it executed completely with out any errors. I realize that the first command in install.ftp is a set rw but for some unknown reason it seemed not to do so in my case???

Is a script just a text file? I am very slowly getting used to Linux/Unix terminology, sorry for the elementary level of my questions.

Posted by: mtempsch

Re: empegVNC-0.7 released - 02/02/2002 11:40

Yes, a script is a textfile (just like a .bat file in DOS) normally with the first line pointing out which interpreter program that is to be used, prefixed with '#!', like

To make the disk writeable via ftp you need to send a 'site rw' command by ftp, exactly how to do that varies with different ftp clients. Don't forget to return them to read-only (site ro) status before rebooting.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: empegVNC-0.7 released - 02/02/2002 11:56

Hmmm. Maybe you have an old version of Hijack that doesn't support ``site rw''? Can't remember when that happened.

I'm taking this to the empeg-preinit thread so other folks can find it. Oops. Forgot that this is the empeg-preinit thread.

Okay, I tried with a more recent version of Hijack, and something seems to have changed in the realm of ``this couldn't possibly be causing that''.

I've updated the install.ftp file in empeg-preinit.zip and it should work again. For the record, the output should now look something like:
C:\>ftp -s:install.ftp empeg

Connected to empeg.
220 Connected.
User (empeg:(none)):
230 Okay.
ftp> quote site rw
200 Okay.
ftp> cd /bin
250 "/bin" directory changed
ftp> bin
200 Okay.
ftp> put empeg-preinit hijack
200 Okay.
150 Opening data connection.
226 Okay.
ftp: 3520 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 3520000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quote site chmod 755 hijack
200 Okay.
ftp> cd /etc
250 "/etc" directory changed
ftp> quote mkd preinit.d
257 Okay.
ftp> quote site ro
200 Okay.
ftp> quit
221 Happy Fishing.

Posted by: ellweber

Re: empegVNC-0.7 released - 02/02/2002 14:01


I tried the newer version and it seems to have resolved the problem I saw.

All is working now. 0.7 seems to integrate seamlessly with Hijack functions. Good show.

I have VNC running concurrently with WinAmp, playing different playlists and different music.

This is Powerful Stuff!!!
