
Posted by: dcosta

config.ini - 08/03/2002 07:38

I understand a lot of what goes into the config.ini file,
but there are some things that I am not sure about...
Could someone comment on each of these settings.






Posted by: Yang

Re: config.ini - 08/03/2002 07:56

Here's the ones I (think I) know off-hand:


Prevents the user from dialing the volume past the 0 mark to prevent digital clipping.


When switching visuals, it will display the name.
Posted by: dcosta

Re: config.ini - 08/03/2002 08:02

thought so... anyone else know the others ?
Posted by: peter

Re: config.ini - 08/03/2002 08:57

There's a list at but it doesn't seem to be quite complete:


This setting makes the player sort playlist menus by play order (as seen in Emplode); the default is to always sort alphabetically, even though playback always occurs in play order. I think this was a tanstaafl wish.


This controls how much "Hush" (on the Rio remote, or, if so configured, caused by cellphone mute) hushes the volume.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: config.ini - 08/03/2002 10:48

Who's in charge of that section at Needs updating.
Posted by: Roger

Re: config.ini - 08/03/2002 11:09


This is used by emplode, during synchronisation.

When you connect emplode to your empeg, it downloads a copy of the database, on which the changes are made. These changes are then sent back to the player when you press synchronise.

Because you can unplug your empeg without interrupting your session in emplode, and then reconnect it later (perhaps you want to go out in the car, and come back later to finish your tagging), we need to ensure that the database on the player and the database held by emplode don't get out of sync.

That's what the sequence number does.

When you connect to the player, emplode remembers the sequence number. When you synchronise to the player, emplode increments the sequence number and writes it back.

Before starting the synchronise, it checks that the sequence number currently on the player is the same as the one that was there when we started. If it's not, then you've probably changed the database in another copy of emplode. In this case, emplode will complain, and will not let you save your changes, in case they result in database corruption.

Posted by: loren

Re: config.ini - 08/03/2002 12:06

I started to update that a while back, but when i realized all the new stuff that needed to be added and taken away, i realized it was more of a job than i had time for.
Posted by: smu

Re: config.ini - 09/03/2002 09:16

Hi Tony.

I created that entry initially, I just don't have time to work on it curently.

BTW: What the hell am I doing here? I'm supposed to be working on my diploma thesis.
