Repair tags if necessary?

Posted by: matthew_k

Repair tags if necessary? - 02/04/2002 12:25

I just started playing with jemplode(Looks like a lot of fun, very well done) but I'm trying to figure out what the "repair tags if necessary" checkbox does.

Admitedly I havn't done any test cases to figure it out myself, as I figured asking would be easier. Does it sync the ID3 tags with updates to the player database? Or something else?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Repair tags if necessary? - 02/04/2002 12:31

I have been meaning to ask that same question. I would assume, based on the name of the checkbox, that it takes the database information in the empeg and writes it to the tags of any files it downloads. That would be totally cool if that were true. But the last I checked (and admittedly, that was several versions ago when I checked), this was not the case. So Mike, what does this do?