Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names

Posted by: tfabris

Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 15/04/2002 12:21

When using Jemplode to download files off of the player, you get to spec the file name in the "options" box.

The file name you spec there must include the extension, so for instance, my options box says "{artist} - {source} ({year}) - {pos:2} - {title}.mp3" for the file name. If you don't put the ".mp3" in there, then the downloaded file has no file extension.

But then if you download a .WAV file off of the player, it still has the .MP3 extension. Not ideal. I realize that file extensions are a Windows-centrism and don't have any meaning on other platforms...

Right now, putting ".{codec}" into the options box seems to work for MP3 and WMA, just because the names of the codecs happen to be the same as the file extension. But the codec name for wave files is WAVE instead of WAV, which isn't associated with anything on most systems.

I see two ways to go about fixing this:

1) Simply change the internal name of the wave codec so that it displays as "WAV" instead of "WAVE" as long as it doesn't break anything else. This will make the "{codec}" field work for naming file extensions in the options box.

2) Create a new field for "{fileext}" or something.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 15/04/2002 12:27

Tony, can you specify folders?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 15/04/2002 12:29

I don't know if you can specify folders as part of the file name. You can tell it to create a folder tree based on the playlist names, but I'm not sure about embedding backslashes into the file name. I think I'll try that...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 15/04/2002 12:31

Well, kiss my ass, that worked. It can create folder names based on the fields, just by putting backslashes into the filename specifier box.

Doesn't solve the file extension problem. I mean yeah, I can create a "WAVs" folder and an "MP3s" folder, but then I still have to rename the files after they've been grabbed.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 15/04/2002 13:34

Yeah -- I can add in {fileext} ... I actually have several bugfixes (not the least of which is that deleting in jEmplode -- especially from the soup, is just terribly broken) that I haven't released yet -- I'm too enthralled writing code for my new Zaurus I'll try to get back into jEmplode and do a release sometime this week ...

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 15/04/2002 14:53

I was wondering what had gone wrong with that last playlist deletion I did. What a mess!
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 15/04/2002 20:49

Slightly O/T but a renaming program for win32 that I've grown fond of is Renameit. Source code has been released. The link is

I've got 2.05 and it's wonderful. I'll have to get 2.06. I've never run into anything it couldn't do with a little thought.


/end shameless plug for a program I love
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 16/04/2002 20:38

I'm too enthralled writing code for my new Zaurus

Anything you'd like to tell us about?

By the way, I assume you've run jEmplode on the Zaurus. How's that? Oh, and have you used the Zaurus as a player? What's the battery life like when playing mp3s....err...or oggs?
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Jemplode bug report- downloaded file names - 17/04/2002 05:21

Actually, I haven't tried jEmplode or playing MP3's on it yet. I've only started doing some Java work on it. There would be a couple of problems with jEmplode on it -- 1) it's a really complex UI that uses Swing extensively -- it would likely bring the Zaurus to its knees, though I will try it out and see, and 2) the UI probably wouldn't work well on a very small screen... On the MP3 front, the only reason I haven't tried it is because I have limited space on the Zaurus (it comes default with 64M -- not quite enough to do anything exciting with MP3's).

That having been said -- It kicks a$$. It's got a pulldown keyboard built in, so you can type if you need to. It has handwriting recognition, so no grafiti (though it's nowhere near as cool as the Newton's -- said that there's still no Newton competitor in that department after all these years). I have a 802.11 CF card for it, so I can roam about the house and use the internet. It's got a browser on it, email (with IMAP support, though no IMAPS ), and a good sized community (similar to the Empeg's actually, though the Empeg forum seems a lot closer than the Zaurus one, but I've only been in the Zaurus community for a few days, so that's not entirely fair).

I have a VNC server and an SSH server on it, so I can actually VNC over the internet onto my handheld -- just plain cool It's running a Linux 2.4 kernel, and you can pretty much compile whatever you want for it. And, of course, it has a really nice PersonalJava 1.2 VM running on it (from Jeode). It's really snappy... Aside from a little bit longer startup time, you can barely tell a Java app from a native app on here.
